PMDG Boeing 777 for Xbox

The 777s are a bit more detailed in the 3D model, so they will be a bit more demanding in memory use. That is the bottleneck on Xbox, without a doubt. When using a complex aircraft and a complex airport, you start to hit your head on memory constraints. We are extremely aware of these limitations and are reluctant to follow the trend of adding features that are not directly aimed at flying the aircraft.

Keeping all other variables the same, you might lose up to 5% between the 737 and 777. There should be no difference between the ER and the F.

Mathijs Kok


Is there anything I can do to help with the performance? Things like switching off the EFB or maybe not turning on the terrain/weather radar on FOā€™s side?

Hi, in my experience on Series X, just the usual things like turning off traffic and taking care in selection of add-on airports. And I donā€™t use ATC but that is also a matter of preference. The 777s and 737s all work just fine for me in 2020 Free Flight, and I fly them all regularly without preference, on a rotation basis with my other favorite aircraft models. Are you on Series X?

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The only thing that makes any sense is avoiding a zoomed-out map on the EFB. Those need rather a lot of memory due to the tiles that are used. All the rest is very marginal compared to scenery, weather, and traffic settings.

Mathijs Kok


Iā€™ve found the 77F performance to be more than satisfactory on the XSX. No issues or complaints, mostly comparable to the NGs.

Sometimes the crew area vanishes, Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s actually a deliberate sacrifice if memoryā€™s becoming an issue to avoid black screens(@TheFalconOne am I right, or is it just a weird bug?). Either way, doesnā€™t really bother me or meaningfully detract from the experience, I usually fly it from the cockpit and not the crew rest area. It is a little off putting though if you have the curtain open and happen to turn around at FL350 to see a chunk of your plane missing!

Overall where it counts, flight model, flight deck, systems etc itā€™s pretty much at the level of quality and performance as the 737s, 777 has more fun features like interactive doors and windows, non-critical textures and such are much better. Personally I like the 37s better but that purely comes down to what I like to do, Iā€™m big on challenging approaches and departures into small airports and a 737 is a better tool for that.

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It is not something we deliberately modeled that way, itā€™s just what the sim does when it is low on memory. We just gave it a slightly lower priority. Works out well in the end. We are very happy with performance on Xbox and Cloud.



From where you guys started to where it is now, both the 737 and 777 work incredibly well on XBox. Definitely had a few bumps in regards to optimization (as did every developer), but I appreciate all the great work youā€™ve done to make sure it works right on XBox.


Flying the 77W on Series X right now. What a nice treat after slogging through SU1 beta! It is both amazing and refreshing how well this DLC works in MSFS on Xbox. While I am all about contributing to the forward movement of 24, sanity breaks in 2020 for some flying fun is de rigeur right now, at least for me (and those of us with less than 16GB of VRAM to spare)! Good fun flying!

We hear you, oh boy do we hear you :grin:


Esteemed team of PMDG.

Bruno Galletta writing to ask if you would please provide me with a detailed tutorial or manual for the Boaing 777-300ER on Xbox Series X version of MSFS2020 so that i could better masterize that aircraft, even, if possible, how to manage the fuel and pax, baggage load at the airport gates.

Is it also be possible a fix to the about twenty seconds freezing after clicking FLY NOW and the altitude, speed, VS knobs going mad beginning to rotate themselves out of control?

My thanks for your attention and answers about tougher with my best regards.

Bruno Galletta

If you go to the tablet in the home page there is a section for the manuals/tutorials. Its a QR code so you only scan with your phone camera and will take you there, I have not try it myself but should take you here: PMDG 777 Tutorial Flight. Otherwise YT videos are a good source.

This is fixed by simply plugging a mouse to your console. You donā€™t have to use it just have it plugged to one of your USB.

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Incredibile, so just insert a mouseā€™s plug in one of the USB doors on my Xbox console and continue using controllerā€¦ a particular: can i first plug and then unplug it or have i to keep it plugged until i finish with the 777?

You need to keep it plugged. In fact I only have the dongle of my wireless mouse plugged, the mouse is turned off somewhere else.

You can also make sure you donā€™t double press the knobs when you are using a controller. Press the knob once and use either the RS or LT/RT to turn the knobs. Itā€™s just a matter of getting used to which knobs/buttons you canā€™t double hit and which ones you can. But having a mouse plugged in is best just because it prevents issues if you do accidentally double press.

Also the loading time at the start will always happen since itā€™s loading in the state of the plane as well. Not really a way to get around that since itā€™s an XBox thing, not an issue with the plane (it also happens on PC for those first loading in).

For the manuals, check out Documentation Center at: PMDG DOCUMENT CENTER

Mathijs Kok

Yes, I am on Series X. Traffic is already off and I do not have any add-on airports :slight_smile: Good to hear that the 777 works fine on Series X.

Thanks for your input. Thatā€™s what I thought, never seen any difference with FOā€™s ND weather etc. turned on or off, but the map on the EFB makes a HUGE difference for me - sometimes the game becomes a slideshow when I open the map on the EFBā€¦

I am only interested in the cockpit, so everything behind it could very well not exist for me :slight_smile:

I also like challenging approaches and I bought the 737-600 mainly because it is smaller and has better performance than its larger siblings, so I can land in places that would be inaccessible in a (e.g.) fully loaded -900.

I am sure that even if I buy the 777, the 737 will still be my main airplane in the sim, but with over 1000 hours in the 737 on Xbox, I want to try something new :slight_smile: and since 777s land (IRL) on ~7000ft runways, I am sure there is a lot fun approaches I can do with it :slight_smile:

Well I finally purchased the 777-300ER today and have just set up my first flight. London Heathrow to Hong Kong, Iā€™ll set my alarm for 7am tomorrow for a 8:13am arrival.

One thing I did notice, I set up the flight in Sim Brief and input the data into the FMC. I set the pax number and fuel as suggested but it came up Insufficient Fuel right away.

Iā€™m not at my computer right now but I think it was set to 83%, I did change it to 90% and it removed the warning so I assume I wonā€™t run out. But what did I do wrong, or do I blame Sim Brief?

Did you upload the cruise and descent wind forecasts? They can make a big difference, especially on longer flights.

Also, when you say:

please tell us you used the FMC to set the fuel values, not the MSFS stock weight and balance menu.

I did use the FMC.

As for cruise and descent winds, where would I find this and where would I add it in the FMC? Canā€™t say itā€™s something Iā€™ve done before but always willing to new bits to add to my flight sim learning.

Hi, here is my FMC preflight procedure for use with SimBrief.

  • Click ā€œBOEING 777ā€ then EFB
  • Request Data from SimBrief
  • SELECT RTE> chime <LOAD
  • LEGS, PLN: STEP & fix, MAP
  • Each speed restriction needs an altitude restriction
  • Wait for W> prompt then EXEC
  • Performance Tool, Take Off
  • Import From OFP, SELECT RWY
  • Runway Cond: Wet, Dry, SN
  • Aircraft, Import from Aircraft
  • Flap Config & Rating OPTIMUM
  • A/I Config A/R, A/C ConfigAUTO
  • Weather, Import, Calculate
  • Set Derate thenā€¦
  • Sel Temp: to SEL, compare N1
  • Compare TRIM, V1, Vr, V2 & fix
  • Set V2 on MCP