PMDG Boeing 777 status

Thanks for the link. I like these guys and kinda missed this one.

When speaking about the 777 landings: “It’ll make any idiot look like a pro”, lol.

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Is it how people land this bird in real life? I always land it manually but I if this is not the case IRL I will be happy to keep A/T on until touchdown.

Yep. SOP at most airlines is to use A/T for approach and landing. There’s nothing stopping you from controlling the throttles manually, and some guys/gals do it, but it’s definitely not the norm.


As a passenger, the main thing I don’t like about the 777 is that the overhead compartments are too small … you have to put a standard roller bag in sideways in the overheads over the middle seats. It really slows down the boarding process. But I digress… :slight_smile:

Thanks as always, @FormerSnail5736 for the real-world perspective!

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Thanks for your valuable tips and insights!


I’ve already said that in the PMDG 737 thread, we’re blessed to have RL pilots around. I’ve learned a lot of information about flying those planes over here and it’s very important to me as I try to fly these aircraft in the sim as close to real ops as possible.


Yes. Autothrottle stays on from take off to touchdown on the 777/787. It’s an FCTM recommendation but in my case it’s also company SOP. We can handfly as long as we want (and we do) when below FL200 and when it’s not unreasonable to do so but the autothrottle and the flight director stays on.


PMDG teasing the freighter version


Is there anyway you can do what you can Dow other he PMDG 737 and call the fuel truck, Breyer the amount to be fuelled and the aircraft refuel progressively? I don’t understand why I can’t seem to find such a simple feature?

I have absolutely no clue what is all this automated ground ops/turnaround etc. Seems way too complicated.

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PMDG have shared what is to come over the course of the week and future in regards to their products and MSFS2024.

Certainly going to be interesting how this all plays out going forward. I am shocked and fairly disappointed to read that the 777F has in fact been withheld due to PMDG thinking “it isn’t going to get the attention it deserves” due to MSFS2024 and now potentially it will not release for MSFS2020.

I am very excited for MSFS2024 for various reasons however the way all of the third party software and add on’s seem to have been handled is outrageously concerning considering that is what a large number of the community would be flying and using. Like I said. It is going to be interesting to see how all this plays out.

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Looks like the 777F is coming for FS2020 (not FS2024!) in about 9 days:


This reads to me, the 737 line is either dead or is going to be expensive to upgrade. Roll on the iFly Max 8 to MSFS 2024. I dont feel like I beleive what I am reading re the 737.


Happy with all the competition these days. I already have the FS2020 77W , however depends on the pricing if I will repurchase the FS2020 version for FS2024. An FS2024 version also depends on the price and availability of other aircraft.

Personally I think when you release the 77F next week in FS2024 it should be fully FS2024 supported and not an ‘old’ FS2020 model.

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The post I linked says nothing about any upgrade fee for the 737NG line (and that’s frankly off-topic for this thread).

In any case, here’s what PMDG HAS said about the 737 line and FS2024

Pay close attention to the paragraph captioned “ PMDG MSFS2020/24 COMPATIBLE Products and Microsoft’s Assurance of Day-One-Compatibility with MSFS2024:

For those too lazy to read and parse RSR’s detailed post, here is the key take-away:

So if you want to use your existing FS2020 aircraft in FS2024, that should not be a problem once MSobo fixes the sim to do what they said all along it would do.

As for full-on optimized FS2024 versions, this is what he said several days ago:

(enphasis added)

NOTE: I posted links to the 737 update post several days ago in the PMDG 737 thread. It’s obvious few are actually reading and instead choosing to take a soundbite, misinterpret it, and then find reason to be mad about it.


i mean the man talks just to hear himself talk he doesn’t have the ability to just say the information that needs to be said. Plus it’s the internet, do you really have a reasonable expectation that anybody knows how to read or manage their emotions effectively in the first place?

but a TLDR is too much to ask for RSR…


Well, I did my best to summarize for the Short Attention Span Theater crowd. The rest is up to the reader. But some of us actually care about details and knowing what’s going on beyond a banal soundbite.

That said, those who want to fly their existing PMDG planes can keep FS2020 installed and hopefully within a few weeks, they can fly them as-is in FS2024 as well. Those who want upgraded FS2024 native versions can upgrade if they want. It’s really not more complicated than that.

Everything else is just people complaining, as usual.


That’s RSR. Why use ten words when 35 will do the job.

yeah. It’s really sad like how many other games had bad releases, the studio received up to and including death threats (which is NOT okay) and still came back. I bet there’s some people who still refuse to play Cyberpunk because they had an awful experience when it launched. There’s people who refuse to play FS2020 still because of some asinine bug.

But i digress. 777 a good plane, dont mind paying a little to have it work in the new game

“I wrote a long letter, because I did not have time to write a short one”
– variation of quotes attributed to many from Churchill to Cicero


You missed my point. Here is my bottom line
Fenix have the plane in 2024 working and have just provided another update. It is my opinion that some devs make a feast rather than a meal.

Make what you want of it.