Pmdg dc 6 Carb air axis

bought the pmdg dc 6 and trying to find out if there is a away to set the cab heat to an axis on my saitek throttle quad

I’ve been looking too, but I didn’t find it, if anyone knows how to do it, I’m interested!

Guess its not possible atm. I asked this question a while ago and nobody had a solution. This is the case for any plane.

thought this was the case thx guys.found another tiny issue with the reverse thottle wont wok unless you flick the red bar with the mose first

That’s not an issue. That’s how you engage the reverser.

Topic moved into Third Party Aircraft for discussion: #third-party-addon-discussion:aircraft

You have to assign “water rudder toggle” for it.

See Operations Manual pp. 39, 175, 201, 206, 210 and 281.


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