PMDG Douglas DC-6

Oh, I got into a bit of a “tussle” with someone… the mods didn’t like it and reduced my “trust” level :wink:
Hopefully it builds back up again over time…

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It was an interesting time for engine development. The demand for power was such that it was pushing engineering and metallurgy beyond their limits. A completely new answer was needed - which was, of course, turbines.

If you want to see scary levels of complexity, check out the Pratt & Whitney R-4360 Wasp Double Majors that were used on the Stratocruiser. Twenty-eight cylinders per engine, in four rows, offset for cooling. Known colloquially as the corncob. And the Strat was legitimately known as the world’s best three-engine airliner. Many, many engine failures in that fleet.

A handy reference…

And you can visit one at Udvar-Hazy (part of the Smithsonian’s National Air and Space Museum). It’s truly frightening close-up.

The R-2800s on the DC-6 are a walk in the park by comparison.

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For anyone looking to print their manuals in the UK: this cost £25 and arrived in three days. The print quality is spot on and the paper feels great (silk option).

The whole process was a matter of selecting paper size, paper type and uploading a PDF. Was a gamble but the formatting of the manual must be ready to print.

Thanks to @darshonaut for the prompt!


Actually, most of the airliner engines of today, the tech came from military engines. The JT8D of the 727 was derived from the J52 of the A-6.

The PW4000 was developed from the JT9D, which was originally developed for the C-5 Galaxy (GE won the contract).

Which makes sense, there aren’t many engine manufacturers, and, it’s a lot cheaper for them to develop tech for the military, then reuse that tech commercially.

The R2800 was a natural choice for powering the postwar airliners given its reliability, power, and availability at very low prices as surplus.

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Can you tell me how many pages it is

333 pages. Just set for 102+ on the setup on that site.

Thank you !

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You have it printed in color, that’s why it was more expensive. I had mine done just in b/w.

Your copy looks phantastic !

But you are talking about something else and not the Iris Dynamics system, correct? That’s what it sounds like parsing what you say out. I had an email volley with them when I found out about them and their Kickstarter. My understanding is Iris delivered all Kickstarter units but decided not to produce feedback yokes commercially. Instead they decided to go after markets that can readily afford the high prices.

I just want to be clear that you are or are not talking about Iris Dynamics.

I’ve had excellent luck on Kickstarter but I’m pretty selective on what I back.

I was talking about the STEM system. Kickstarter hardware projects don’t have a good track record.

MSFS: PMDG Douglas DC-6 Takeoff, Climb, Cruise and Descent - YouTube DC6 take off, cruise,descent flown by a great aviator


Sorry if this has been asked already a gazillion times, but I just stumbled over this statement here, as seen on:

PMDG DC-6 released - Your chance to win a copy!

“Apparently, the aircraft will not be published in Microsoft’s in-game store for the time being.”

Now this is not exactly a new statement: I have already read elsewhere (in this thread here?) that PMDG are rapidly bringing out updates and improve the aircraft, and once that settles a bit they will make it available in the in-game marketplace.

However the “… for the time being” make me wonder: what time frame are we talking about here now? Did anything change? All of a sudden I seem to read “indefinite time for decision making” or “if at all”.

I already wrote an email to PMDG about a potential marketplace version like 3 weeks ago or so, but did not get any reply.

So anyone has some more insight of the time period of when we can expect the marketplace version? Are we talking 3 months, half a year… or (as it sounds in the statement - or at least how I read it) “who knows!”?

Through all the info I read, I picked up on ‘at least 6 months’.

But it’s all hear say. If PMDG doesn’t put a time frame on it… who knows… maybe they don’t even know themselves.

Apparently AeroSoft is in a bit of trouble with their Marketplace offerings. I can fully imagine PMDG wanting to avoid such scenarios. And AeroSoft seems to be stuck on this issue for more than a month already.


I believe the only aircraft to use four R2800s was the DC-6. There was a twin - the F7F Tigercat - but I do not recall another four engine aircraft with these radials.

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C-5 North Star?

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A true unicorn.

Wiki says the Merlins were “ too noisy” so they fitted R2800s to be quieter. :joy:

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I have the latest Install version but the operations center is stuck on a page and I can’t get to the menu or back button if you will. Any way around this?

Had an update to Ops Center to v2.0.1.2149 today, together with a livery update for Everts Cargo and the Red Bull Lady. Worked like a charm.

A screenshot? I have a hard time picturing the problem…

This is all I get. If I delete the config file it will load correctly but I get a bunch of errors and the program is unusable. I’m running it as administrator also