We’ve been using this thread to report bugs and/or seek support (from a VERY responsive developer, who I wish some payware companies would learn customer support from) for, heck, I’d say months. And if it is a new thing, when did it happen and what’s the purpose?
Ironically, most of the discussions about BUG under this topic, are NOT related to bugs in the Addon, but more to BUGS and omission in the base MSFS 2020 product, which after discover and discussion here, and typically generate a BUG report in the Zendesk area.
Are we now being told that Microsoft Forums have an issue with this ??
This Topic is an MODEL of what constructive & civil Post “should” be like on any Forum.
Everyone posting here is respectful, and appreciative of the work this developer is doing, and we are all working to help him do this, making part of the MSFS 2020 simulator better for all.
If only more of the Topics and posts on the MS Flight Sim forum were like this one, and not full of Rude, disrespectful and complaining individuals, being rude and disrespectful to MS and Asobo.
Nope. It’s been around since the inception of this category. Simply because you were doing something that wasn’t actioned doesn’t make it right. This is a large thread, the team couldn’t of monitored all posts.
The purpose is that these forums are not to be utilized for support that wouldn’t be covered by vanilla aircraft or systems. Scorpion has a github which makes for a decent bug reporting and issues platform, I suggest you utilize that - and chances are, the developer can track these problems more effectively.
Edit: to be clear, I love the mod and all of the work the Developer puts out. However, these are the forum rules. If you wish to see those changed, you’re free to message the CM’s @RoyalTot and @Jummivana
Most discussion is fine. Seeking advice from others is fine. Directly asking for support from the developer is not fine, as this is not a product support forum. Hopefully that clarifies things
Use this category to discuss third-party addons, ask questions and seek advice. This is not a bug-reporting forum.
NO PROBLEM … I will never mention the word BUG under this topic.
But, abiding by the rules, I may well 'ask questions and seek advice" of the developer, (and others here) when I am not understanding how something is meant to work … but from now on, I will never refer to anything in his MOD/Addon as a BUG, or report any BUG here .
BUGS and their discussion are strictly in the domain of MSFS 2020, where 99% of them reside in any case.
EASY – simple solution – EVERYONE should be happy now – so lets move on.
The rules say
This is not a bug-reporting forum.
I had read and interpreted that to mean, its is not the place to reports bug about MSFS, probably because the ZENDESK is the place to do that.
The wording is actually very ambiguous, and does not clearly indicate the INTENTION and INTERPRETATION of that particular rule, as envisage by whoever wrote it.
The rule is simply to state that proper bug reports shall be done at the creator’s bug tracking site, but it doesn’t rule out talking about bugs and people offering support on their mods on this forum.
This is plain silly, sorry.
People are trying to support on the broken stock parts of the sim and get rocks thrown in their way just because they don’t have an own forum. Github issues is no substitute but an addition to what is talked about here.
If the rules are so clear, then please consider updating them to allow for this.
The forum mod team do not create the rules. As stated, if you wish to suggest any changes feel free to send a message over to the Community Managers. Regular discussion can be had regarding the addon, as well as advice (IE “how do I find the nearest VOR with the GNS530”).
If there are issues to be discussed regarding the “broken stock parts of the sim” they should be addressed in the #bugs-and-issues category - that’s what it’s there for.
That’s going to be the last of the discussion on this as it’s detracting from what this thread was intended for.
Kinda weird to apply the ‘not a product support forum’ to a third party free user mod in my humble opinion. I get it for payware stuff sure, but for a free mod it’s just really weird.
Perhaps this forum needs a modifications section to differentiate from the payware stuff
I’m sorry to intervene in this topic, but this not just what the RXP products are about (just making the Garmin trainer working in the simulator). But you are right they are using the Garmin or the Jeppesen databases at this time and they are therefore providing the exact same navigation capabilities as the real device. You can also update the databases directly from Jeppesen for example, instead of Navigraph. As a matter of fact I’ve just posted a few minutes ago my point of view about TCAS in the simulation. This is one such example illustrating how the RXP products are much more than just a “simple” software bridging the Garmin trainer to the simulator, and you might want to read this to know why:
My comment being taken from the rest of the conversation reads worse than it was. The conversation was about integrating NAVIGRAPH data into Flight 1’s, or RXP’s GNS rather than using the Garmin trainer software so I am 100% correct in what I said that none do it because they use Garmin’s airacs. Please also note my other posts about wishing RXP was working for MSFS2020 and how much I/we want it, need it.
@Turbine777 Thank you for the notice, I’m sorry for the confusion: I didn’t mean you were spreading misinformation (it was just an unfortunate copy/paste I’ve started the post with but forgotten to edit) because I’ve read your other posts and I know you’d very much like have the RXP GPS in FS2020. I’ve isolated your comment just because it is representative of a common perception (not your misconception) I felt it was important to explain. The RXP GPS are not just authentic to the real Garmin devices because they are actually based on the real Garmin code (with the trainer), but they are more than just a “bridge” and the additional features which are looking like mere cosmetic features on the surface are actually authentic simulations on their own. I’ve updated my post to reflect your point about the DB.
100% agree with you.
MSFS is a game and provides instruments at the game level that cannot have the complexity of the real-world instruments.
Building a GPS for the RW is a very complex operation that takes years of development for companies like Garmin. The level of exigence is not the same as for a game. Your example for TCAS is very good.
We try here to reproduce some kind of reality as far as possible but this is not the reality. The purpose is to have fun with a game, not to use this game as a training tool.
Now, it’s very interesting to have instruments like the RXP ones because they provide the professional layer built by the original manufacturer (Garmin) but can be used in the game environment. Pilots will find exactly the same instruments they have onboard so they are able to use them for training.
The GPSs delivered with the game, eventually modified by modders, stay at the game level and will never reach the full functionality of the professional RW GPSs.
The BIG difference is that al least we have the Modded game Version, and can use it, the Modded version being light years better than the original Asobo dumbed down version.
The RXP “real world” version is currently NOT available, and while it may act more like the Real Word GNS530, its does NOT act at all in the SIM, because it is not yet available.
WHY it is not yet available is another whole “Can of Worms” between RXP & Asobo, which really is way off topic for this GNS530 Mod thread.