[Polls] Aircraft & Avionics Update II ( Discussion

Read the Release Notes here.

Please use this thread to discuss the latest update, version Other topics created to discuss this thread may be merged here. However, if you have a new bug report, please post it in the Bug Report section of the forums.

:warning: PC Users (Steam and MS Store) - Poll Questions :warning:

Feel free to answer these poll questions after you download and experience the new update.

Did you remove all your mods from the community folder before launching the new build?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Oops, I forgot. Will do that now and try again.
  • I don’t use mods
0 voters
Did you experience any CTDs while downloading and installing the newest update? If yes, please respond to this post and let us know more details.
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Have you experienced any CTDs in the menu or World Map areas?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Have you experienced any CTDs in flight?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being smoothest, how is your performance/stability in this update? Please vote once you have played the updated sim for at least an hour.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters
Is your performance/stability worse, the same, or better than the SU12 release build ( Please vote once you have played the updated sim for at least an hour.
  • Worse
  • The same
  • Better
0 voters

:warning: Xbox Series X|S Users - Poll Questions :warning:

Feel free to answer these poll questions after you download and experience the new update.

Did you experience any CTDs while downloading and installing the newest update? If yes, please respond to this post and let us know more details.
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Have you experienced any CTDs in the menu or World Map areas?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
Have you experienced any CTDs in flight?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being smoothest, how is your performance/stability in this update? Please vote once you have played the updated sim for at least an hour.
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters
Is your performance/stability worse, the same, or better than the SU12 release build ( Please vote once you have played the updated sim for at least an hour.
  • Worse
  • The same
  • Better
0 voters

:warning: All Users (PC and Xbox) :warning:

On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the best, how would you globally rate this update (This question will be used as a reference between each update)
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7
  • 8
  • 9
  • 10
0 voters

Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I was in the Beta?

If there is an updated build, you will receive it automatically when the retail version goes live. If the retail version is the same build as the latest beta build, you will receive no updates. If you do not want to participate in future Betas, after you have updated to the latest build, manually leave the Beta. If you do not manually leave, you will be included in the next Beta build that is released.

Where can I find out about Known Issues

Click here to view the Known Issues list

How do I see my current version number?

Press Alt+Enter to change the program from full screen to windowed mode. The version number is at the top title bar of the window. Additionally, the version number is displayed by holding down Alt+Tab (above the window icon) or available in-game by clicking on your gamer tag profile icon from the top right of the main screen. The version name is displayed in the dialogue box under your gamer tag

Do I need to do anything with add-ons in the community folder?

We highly recommended that you move the content from your community folder to a temporary location on your hard drive before applying the patch and replacing after testing the new version.

Why were certain bugs or issues not included in the patch notes?

If you are still experiencing an issue then create a topic in Bug Reports & Wishlist or file a ticket on Zendesk, using the “Submit a Request” option on the top menu bar. Include as much detail as possible, including the version of the game you are running. Remember the forums are not the official platform for bug tracking.

This patch is part of an ongoing patch release, so if your issue isn’t patched this time it does not mean it won’t ever get fixed! Check out the #self-service:bugs-issues category to see if others are reporting the same issues (where you can also vote if you have the same issue)

What should I do if the update doesn’t start automatically?

  1. Check Windows 10/11 for updates. If any, restart your PC
  2. Manually check MS Store for Updates
  3. Then update MSFS

If this still doesn’t work, the best course of action is to log out, restart your computer, and log back in.

What should I do if the update seems to stall or stop downloading?

The first thing to try is closing down MSFS and restarting it. The downloading should start again once MSFS is restarted. If there are problems with a particular file downloading repeatedly (on a loop) then exit MSFS and browse to the download location where the file is downloading to using windows explorer. Delete the offending file (if it is listed) or the latest downloaded file in that folder and then restart MSFS. The patch should continue as normal. (Note only delete files do not delete folders!)


All polls except for those related to download/install are deliberately closed for now. We will open these polls for voting in a few hours after players have had the chance to experience the new update.


Hi. Has this fixed the “checking for updates” issue? I can´t find it in the release notes but it was apparently included at some of the earlier betas. Can someone please confirm it?


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If you are in the BETA, then you already are on the public release version

I was not in beta. I was asking if the public release already included the fix, because it´s not described in release notes. I guess so, but just in case…


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Are you replying to me? I was replying to Arklite. :upside_down_face:

I’m a bit bummed that the “white outline around displays” bug didn’t get resolved prior to release.

It really is frustrating how every release brings improvements, but also bring annoyance issues that plague us for a very, very long time – some of which seem to never get fixed.


Hahaha. Sorry mate…


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No problem at all. :laughing:

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I can’t enter the zero fuel weight in the 787-10. It just says invalid entry. But it is the correct value.


It will say invalid entry if the ZFW is beyond the max ZFW allowable (425k lbs if I’m remembering correctly).

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Is the update for PC users that Asobo forgot to put in last time included with AAU2? Not seeing anything in release notes. Even iniBuilds thought it was supposed to be included. Xbox users have the update but PC users were forgotten about last time and it better not be a case of they forgot again!

I was trying to enter 210.4 as my GW was 220.5 and there was 10.1 fuel.

I also pressed the softkey next to ZFW and it automatically entered 210.4 in the scratchpad, then said invalid entry.

(Values in kg.)

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I also have an empty waypoint and a discontinuity in my flight plan (imported from the world map) which I can’t clear.

It’s either the World Map import or something I don’t know of.

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Can we swerve this update? Not looking great so far.


If you’re trying to enter ~210Kg (~463k Lbs), then it appears it is above the max ZFW allowed (425k Lbs). That seems right to me that it’s reported as invalid. So maybe I’m missing something.

Are we supposed to download extra things ( i dont even have the 530 insrtalled from last one)
i will be honest i dont understand these AAu and from what i hear they just seem to cause problems.
Has the 747 systems altered much just wondering ifit will alter other aircraft whose systems are based on it?

In that case, what should I do, since that’s my ZFW? Even pressing the softkey gives that value. I’m now flying without it but it’s strange.

All polls are now open above. Thank you for your feedback!


Where is the PC update that was forgotten last time for the A310? Forgotten again?