[Polls] Aircraft & Avionics Update II ( Discussion

DEL button clears it. Just did it on 787.

Iā€™d think pressing the softkey is doing what it should (subtract fuel from your total weight including fuel), but the problem is your ZFW appears too high, so normally youā€™d remove some weight (bodies, cargo, luggage, etc) from the aircraft to get down to the max ZFW.
Again, unless Iā€™m missing something. But thatā€™s what I normally did.

The VNAV VDI indicator on the 1000 NXi is broken since AAU2.

This was the fastest update yet. I actually sat here, and watched it. >100Mbps for the whole thing except those last 20 or so tiny files.


We are aware of this issue but unfortunately it was reported too late for us to include in AAU2. We will be including the fix in a later update.


Donā€™t get me started about the broken jetways bug!


I found a few bugs in the Boeing 787-10:

  • The APP button doesnā€™t light up, and Approach Mode remains indicated Off, even though on the PFD the G/S is armed and the plane correctly captures it.

  • There seems to be no Armed state of the speedbrakes. They are simply armed at 0%, at least they opened upon landing.

  • The speedbrake lever works reversed with an Xbox controller. If you highlight the lever, then pulling the right stick back pushes it forward, and pushing the stick forward actually pulls it back.

  • The rudder is extremely sensitive on landing. It might be related to the new ground handling, or how the rudder input (L/R triggers on a controller) is connected to the tiller. I danced left and right like a drunk driver after touchdown.


i now got the white dot issue since this update. Really thanks for it. You runed my flying exp now/


Can you dodge the update or not?

Same thing. Not possible to enter ZFW in the Dreamliner FMC perf page

The White-Dot was reported from day 1 by the Beta Testers.


Same problem here

The maximum ZFW for the 787-10 is 425k lbs (about 193k kg). Please ensure your load out is below this value and try again. The FMC will not accept ZFW weights that are above what is supported by the airframe.

Ahh, ok. Thanks! :slight_smile:

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I have no idea why this was left in the Sim.
If I understand itā€™s function correctly, itā€™s supposed to assist folks using an Xbox Controller.
Iā€™m not 100% sure, but I donā€™t think a lot of PC users use a controller.
Maybe there are some Xbox users that donā€™t even use a controller, but have a HOTAS set-up.

Yes i dont use any xbox xontroller. Just my airbus stick and another yoke. Never a problem. And now this. When i pan around i get the white dot. And also clicking buttons is impossible


Waited until today to fly the Dreamliner - didnā€™t want to mess with it before these AAU enhancements. Iā€™m in love with this plane! Great job. Wow.

One question - the tiny ND map inset within the PFD, below your attitude indicator and artificial horizon - how do you work the zoom in/zoom out on this map?

White borders around the displays occasionally. Great. Donā€™t the updates are supposed to make sim better and immersive and not the contrary?

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I set up my aircraft on the weight & balance screen (before loading in the flight) with only 10% fuel and 60% payload (passengers and cargo). How can it be then, that the aircraft ended up being 220.5 tons? I think it may be correct, since the maximum takeoff weight of the 787-10 is 250 tons (560,000 lbs). Why does the FMC accept only 425,000 lbs? Is it because it can be only that heavy without fuel? So even if the plane doesnā€™t exceed the MTOW, no matter how little fuel it carries, the airframe + the payload must not add up to more than that?

Thatā€™s exactly correct. Each airframe has a maximum weight without fuel loaded, which is called the zero fuel weight. The manufacturer specifies this maximum weight.

It is possible to get exceed this weight in the sim load out manager, so just be sure to keep an eye on that and ensure you are within the weight requirements.