Poor VR performance unrelated to frame rate; judder

OK, I see what you are saying; MSFS2020’s use of DirectX 12 is itself “beta”. I switched to Direct X 11 and rebooted. No change; still juddering.

Well that sucks! Only other thing I can think of is the NVidia driver. I’m running 537.13. I rolled back to this one because the 2nd driver update caused me massive stutters in VR.

It is really confusing that MSFS will not run at the Nvidia Control Panel’s (NVCP) Max Frame Rate setting. This Max Frame Rate setting needs only to be set in the Nvidia Control Panel’s Program Setting for Microsoft Flight Simulator. I’ve had good results using this (and nothing ever like you describe). At least you got a ‘preview’ that when MSFS is running at the FPS of the Max Frame Rate that the judder goes away. If you can get this Max Frame Rate problem solved, I suggest setting your BSB at 90 htz and use a 45 Max Frame Rate. If MSFS runs consistently at 45 fps, this will give you an even smoother VR experience than what you are set at now.

I recommend using the RivaTuner Statistics Server for limiting the MSFS frame rate once you get things under control with the NVCP, but definitively don’t bother with it until you get the NVCP to consistently control the MSFS frame rate. Dang, from what you’re describing it looks that somewhere you’re not doing something right. BTW, I run VR using the DX12 preview.

Unfortunately, running the BSB at 90hz means reduced detail. I would prefer not to do that. And in any case, I think I have pretty well demonstrated that the issue I’m seeing isn’t related to frame rate, at least not related to whether the frame rate is fast or slow.

Also, I HAD set the frame rate in the NVCP using the MSFS-specific setting. It didn’t follow that either, at least not until I alt-tabbed to some other app.

Thanks for the heads up on the BSB refresh rate limitations, just read about it on their website. At least running MSFS at 37 fps gives some performance headroom. Maybe the RivaTuner Statistics Server will work properly to limit the MSFS frame rate (BTW I haven’t used the NVCP to limit FPS for months). It supports a fractional limit, e.g. 37.50. It’s yet another thing to run but it can set be to autostart when windows starts. Hope you can get this all figured out.

I too get consistent VR judder if I don’t have a FPS limit enabled for MSFS, though that’s with a G2. Still considering it’s replacement, which could be a BSB. Can’t beat that size and weight!

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Hi, I have just found this thread relating to your “glitch” with your BSB and MSFS after 3 x months of almost identical issues with my Varjo Aero and MSFS. About 3 months ago and for no reason my Aero in MSFS ( which had worked seamlessly albeit on a 3080 12gig) started a similar “glitch” where with head movement either slightly or more pronounced or even when stationary it is as if the headset cannot keep up with the graphics, sticks and judders momentarily then jumps back into place ! With no effect on FPS which I have locked at 30fps.There were no changes anywhere on my system of MSFS so I started a “support ticket” with Varjo who have been very helpful but after several suggestions nothing has worked. I solely use the Aero with MSFS and nothing and I mean nothing is resolving it including the suggestions mentioned on your thread. Heres the thing, I have now downloaded DCS and some Racing Sims off Steam and…not an issue with any of them with The Aero. It has to be a MSFS issue.Has to be. The Aero has been fabulous in MSFS with PDMG 737 , Orbx Sceneries, FSLTL and ATC Chatter, but now even in Safe mode and an empty Community folder it still has the intermittant “sticking” of visuals.I hope MS resolve this or maybe the synic in me thinks the forthcoming MSFS2024 might have something to do with it !!!

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Hi sw18051307,

Exactly the same here and also on the Varjo Aero.
Other games run fine though so I think it’s on the server side of MSFS…
Tried everything and haven’t been able to come up with a clean solution for it…

Frustrating cause I didn’t change anything in my settings and it worked just fine. To be honest if I have to make a balance between clean playing time and tinkering with this sim it’s about 30/70%…

Let’s hope it gets fixed or we have to wait for MSFS2024 which could indeed be the cause of this because things have to be altered on the server side……