Happy New Year everyone! Come and take a look at a pre-release Beta Preview of the upcoming Aerosoft Twin Otter!
It’s still a Work-In-Progress so note that features have already changed and improved too but over the next 16 minutes, I’ll show you a taste of what you can look forward to from the Aerosoft team! Join me tomorrow (2nd Jan) where I’ll be flying the Twotter live around Iceland too with the very latest closed beta build!
I hope you enjoy it…
*Note: This is a WIP Beta, so this is why features weren’t really displayed in depth - they’re improving all the time at great speed too - do check out my Live Preview on 2nd Jan at 1300 Zulu to see the latest beta build!
It’s a work in progress so features are constantly being tweaked - it’s intended as a preview without showing all the depth. That said, I’m live at 1300 Zulu today for a full in-depth multi-hop flight across Scotland
Greetings. I much appreciate your reply. Thank you. I also appreciate that the inclusion of music is the right of the producer. Of course we are all different, and some viewers like it while others don’t. Perhaps in this case my personal taste was being triggered. All the best for the new year and keep the videos coming.
lovely to watch…Papa Westray has a gravel runway, so maybe down the track Asobo will duplicate this effect. I still don’t like the reverse sounds, but hope this is a work in progress still. Otherwise…what an aircraft!!!
The sounds are still a work in progress and being tweaked all the time. They were updated again today within the beta too. My favourite screenshot from yesterday’s livestream preview with a few others behind…
I spotted the news on the MSFS Addons website. Regarding pricing and release date, is this coming to the Xbox on the 19th, or will Xbox simmers have to wait for who knows how long for it to be released in the marketplace? If no one knows for sure, it’s all good.
With the CRJ it was released on marketplace just beforehand so hopefully they will look to release it at the same time for the Twin Otter. We’ll have to wait and see though - and I don’t know for sure, I only buy direct from Devs myself too