When I try to add SID, STAR and approaches for some of the airports made before, I looked at the SimpleNavData from MSFS SDK, and there are “RunwayTransitions”, “CommonRouteLegs” and “EnrouteTransitions” inside each SID and STAR. For example:
<Departure name="BELPO 1A">
<RunwayTransitionLegs number="03" designator="NONE">
<Leg type="VA" magneticCourse="30.0" altitudeDescriptor="+" altitude1="2000.0F"/>
<Leg type="DF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WK" fixIdent="OKISA" flyOver="FALSE" altitudeDescriptor="+" altitude1="2000.0F" />
<Leg type="TF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WK" fixIdent="BELPO" flyOver="FALSE" magneticCourse="299.0" altitudeDescriptor="+" altitude1="3500.0F" />
<Leg type="IF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WK" fixIdent="BELPO"/>
<Leg type="TF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WK" fixIdent="SAPAT" flyOver="FALSE" magneticCourse="302.0"/>
However, when I compile the airport, the console give me tens of error messages: “INTERNAL COMPILER ERROR: #C2566: TRANSITION is not inside a valid APPROACH.” I have no clue on this problem. Is there anyone who knows what’s going wrong? Thanks in advance
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This is probably related to the problem of the sim’s AP struggling with approaches.
Maybe this would be a good idea to discuss with the FBW guys?
Difficult to help without more info (the sample SimpleNavdata compiles ok here btw). Which specific procedure gives you trouble, which airport? Trying with one SID(or STAR) (and then adding the rest one-by-one) might give you more information…
The compiler just throw the same error for all the SIDs and STARs, and when I tried to load the instrument approach in flight planner, the app will end up in immediate crash. I think we can just wait for new version of ADE to come out for programming instrument procedures
Finally I figured out the “problem” of the codes. The name of all the SIDs and STARs should not be more than 6 characters, when I tried to rename the departure “BELPO 1A” to “BELP1A”, they are compiled successfully. The same workaround applies to all the other cases, including those stock airports, but I think this limit is unreasonable
To be fair even though these procedures are often published in the charts including the whitespace, they are entered into the computer without it so I’m not sure if this is either a workaround or the designated way to go but I might be wrong.
As far as I know, MSFS uses the Arinc format (used internally by the plane´s instruments) which prescribes the 6 letter format, different from the ICAO name (which you see on charts).
Thanks for the professional replies, but there are still some problems with the approach. Although I can now select them in flight planner, ATC still cannot recognize them, and told me to do visual approach instead.
Also, it seems that the localizer is shifted to the left for a little bit, although I have made sure the position of the antenna is co-linear with the runway centerline. Similar cases have been discussed on
another thread, the offset may be done by the game deliberately, but I have no clue to “fix” it. Below is the code related, and the magvar in Peninsular Malaysia is very small that it can be neglected:
<Arrival name="GUPT1A">
<Leg type="IF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="GUPTA"/>
<Leg type="TF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="AKBAL" flyOver="FALSE" magneticCourse="0.0" altitudeDescriptor="+" altitude1="1600.0F"/>
<Leg type="TF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="ESMAT" flyOver="FALSE" magneticCourse="0.0" altitudeDescriptor="A" altitude1="1600.0F"/>
<Approach type="ILS" suffix="Z" runway="03" fixType="TERMINAL_WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="XILMO" altitude="1600.0F" heading="30.0" missedAltitude="5000.0F">
<Leg type="IF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="ESMAT" recommendedType="LOCALIZER" recommendedRegion="WM" recommendedIdent="IKKM" theta="270.0" rho="10.2N" altitudeDescriptor="I" altitude1="1600.0F" altitude2="1600.0F"/>
<Leg type="CF" fixType="TERMINAL_WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" flyOver="FALSE" fixIdent="XILMO" recommendedType="LOCALIZER" recommendedRegion="WM" recommendedIdent="IKKM" theta="270.0" rho="5.2N" magneticCourse="30.0" distance="4.0N" altitudeDescriptor="A" altitude1="1600.0F"/>
<Leg type="CF" fixType="RUNWAY" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="RW03" flyOver="TRUE" recommendedType="LOCALIZER" recommendedRegion="WM" recommendedIdent="IKKM" theta="270.0" rho="1.2N" magneticCourse="30.0" distance="4.0N" altitudeDescriptor="A" altitude1="18.0F"/>
<Leg type="CA" magneticCourse="30.0" altitudeDescriptor="+" altitude1="1500.0F"/>
<Leg type="VI" magneticCourse="157.0"/>
<Leg type="CF" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="AGIPO" flyOver="FALSE" recommendedType="VOR" recommendedRegion="LF" recommendedIdent="VMK" theta="118.0" rho="14.0N" distance="14.0N" magneticCourse="298.0" altitudeDescriptor="+" altitude1="5000.0F"/>
<Leg type="HM" fixType="WAYPOINT" fixRegion="WM" fixIdent="AGIPO" turnDirection="L" magneticCourse="298.0" time="1.0" altitudeDescriptor="+" altitude1="5000.0F"/>