Problem launching Flightsimulator - Impossible de lancer Flightsimulator

Hello, until the last few days I had no problem launching FS. Right now… impossible…
It starts well, it controls the updates, the bar at the bottom of the screen normally advances up to half … and all of a sudden the app closes with no message or anything.

Do you have any idea what might happen?

Thank you for your help.


Bonjour, jusqu’à ces derniers jours, je n’avais pas de problème pour lancer FS. Maintenant … impossible …
Ca démarre bien, ca contrôle les mises à jour, la barre en bas de l’écran avance normalement jusqu’à la moitié … et tout d’un coup l’application se ferme sans message ni rien.

Avez vous une idée de ce qui peut se passer?

Merci de votre aide.


English PLEASE! :+1::relieved:

Topic moved into #bugs-and-issues:performance for loading problem.

Vide ton dossier “Community” et reessaye

Hi all!

According to the Code of Conduct, you must use English when posting on the forums. The one exception is the #multiplayer category, where you can use any language to help you find users to connect with.

If you wish to assist others in their language you may do so in a private message. If you do this, please post back to this post, in English, of what what worked; as it may assist others with the same issue.

Thank you!

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