Hello. I’ve been playing with ILS approaches I have a problem. It often happens that if I have, for example, waypoints A -> B -> C -> D -> Runway, after passing point A, the autopilot goes direct to Runway instead to points B, C and D.
Just like in this example. After passing the Nolem waypoint, the aircraft does not fly to the Tonux but directly to Runway 16L
I’ve had this problem as well; was on approach to KATL and it skipped the STAR and turned directly to the ILS runway. I didn’t have APPR mode on either
As per what I see in you screenshot your flight plan would not be right. You are choosing a direct arrival and not any transition. Try moving that around.
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It doesn’t help. If I choose Arrival or VIA waypoint, but the route runs close to the runway, at some point the autopilot loses the route and goes directly to the runway
I’ve had the exact same experience when flying from KLAX to KLAS (Las Vegas). I’ll have a STAR and Approach entered into the MCDU, but for some reason, when I’m on the STAR and pass by the runway, it will switch to going direct to the runway…frustrating as hell.
My only solution is to force it to go direct to the next correct waypoint, then the next, then the next until you can capture the localizer.
Maybe it’s catching the localizor and your AP is giving priority to the LOC then turning directly into it??
I should only be catching the localizer if the approach or localizer mode is on, and for me, I never have it switched on when this happens.