bjr a tous j ai acheter fsx2020 pack prenuim est j ai que 2 avions je galere depuis de 2 jours klk1 pourez m aider??
You probably need to update to get more planes in the sim. Click Profile then Content Manager and see if there are any prompts to update the contents.
According to the Code of Conduct English is the official language of the MSFS forums, must be used in all categories except for #multiplayer.
Thankyou for your understanding.
J ai pas compris suis entrain de réinstaller met trop temps plus de 12h
You dont have to re-install anything. When you are in FS with the menus displayed, click PROFILE then click CONENT MANAGER and look at the list of all the content in your sim. You may well find that updates are needed to that content in order for the rest of the aircraft to show up in your simulator. Its very quick and very easy.
OK merci bcp mais trop tard j attend que l’installation soit fini et jvais essayer jvous tien o courant
Reminder that this forum is English only.
C vachement gentil de votre aide!!
Ah oui j ai oublié c normal que fs met du temps a installer o moins 12h
OP was advised to use English and failed to do so.
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