Problems with the Installation on a new SSD Hardrive

Hello i have buy a new Extern SSD Hardrive an i want to install my MFS on it. I have the Premium Deluxe Edition on Microsoft Store.
So i have delete my MFS on my old Harddrive © and i want it to install on the new SSD (G) over the Microsoft Store.
When i try to install the Programm on G it only install a 1.32 GB Folder and says that the download is complete and i can play now, when i start then it comes an Error Message that the Server are not avaiable at the Moment.Not suprised because it`s not installed correctly!
What can i do to install the complete Programm and not only 1.32 GB, the Store gives me no other Selection then this.
Sorry my English!

Server not available is usually something to do with an internet connection so I would start by troubleshooting that.

I have no Problems with my Internet Connection, all my Games works proper i have also tested, no Problems, show me that i have very good Connection!
The Microsoft Store shows me that the Flight Simulator is installed and ready to play but i miss 100 GB that are not installed!

If you have any Xbox related apps, sign out of them and then sign back in.

i have allready do that !

Then it could be a true message that the server is down for the location you are at. The MS Store and MSFS installation uses different servers.

You can also try uninstalling the Xbox app, restart your PC, and then reinstall it.

I have do that it, nothing chance, in the Programms MFS is installed shows 1.33 GB !!mfs

That’s the installer listed from the MS Store.

Do what I wrote above about uninstalling xbox. Make sure you restart your PC.

If you continue to get the error, it could be that the server is down. Just wait.

Thx for Help, i allready do that with xbox new install, the Problem remains, and i dont believe that the Servers are down, it will be the 4. Day now and i dont read that someone other have the Problem.

What antivirus program do you use? And firewall (software)?

Just a thought… is your old drive still connected and could there still be traces of the sim installed on it? I presume you uninstalled it, rather than just deleting it?

Also, when you reinstall the sim… you should install the standard sim only… followed by Digital Ownership.
Then… you launch the sim and it should install the big part.
Once working… go to the content manager and install the rest.
Forgive me if you know all this already.

Edit: something else I’ve just checked…
the screenshot you posted showing it being only 1.33gb is normal.
Mine is only showing 1.34gb and it’s works fine. I too have the premium deluxe.


Well, I just saw a bunch of server down inquiries pop up on the board in the last 30 minutes, so there’s some intermittent outages going on.