Procedure for installing a single Livery?

The Megapack A320 livery sets that you unzip & drop into Community include an Aircraft.cfg file that lists all the 300 or so liveries.
However, single liveries are becoming available & I haven’t been able to get any installed by copying the Texture file into the Aircraft folder, & modifying Aircraft.cfg by adding the code for the new livery.
Is there a way to add individual liveries?

I did it adding the Frontier Livery to the Megapack. The steps are:

First Step:
Copy the Model and Texture folders from the livery. You will paste 3 folders:
(the AINAME can be a copy of the MODEL.NAME folder is to let the AI use the livery)

Second Step:
Edit the layout.json file that should be in:
Here just find another livery: say DELTA and do a copy-paste of all the blocks replacing DELTA by the name of the new livery. I think you will figure it out once you know you have to edit this file.

Third step:
Edit the aircraft.cfg file on community/liveries_a320/simobject/airplaes/ASOBO_A320_NEO
Here you do the same as before look for say DELTA and copy their blocks to the end of the file replacing with your new livery data. Make sure to give your blocks a different id.

Hope it helps!

Thank you.
Not quite as simple as P3D :slightly_smiling_face: