Hmm, ok, when flying currently, I hear ATC talk to other A/C and hear them talk back, missing something I think…
Asobo is working on the ATC issues, because standardization is not currently present. There are only so many different voices of people in the sim, 16 aviators currently. So lets say I choose 14 for my pilots voice, that same voice is used in ATC. Sometimes the ATC voice will say i.e., "Simmer 69, contact Atlanta approach on o n e 126.45, and sometimes my avatar voice will answer back, Atlanta Approach on 126.45, and not use the o n e. Same voice avatar. All computer generated voices, because o n e, is a fault of computer generated voices just like the word “don’t”. When listening to ATC or even a US WX Broadcast by the weather service they always caution you to “don ta drown, turn around” you can get the same “don ta” in the sim. FSX used real peoples voices, hence, the pronunciation is much better. I am going to that online simulator ATC place and see how they do it, to verify I’m not making wrong assumptions.
Additionally, not expert on correct ATC, but believe when you as Pilot report into new flight plan authority, i.e., Atlanta control, Simmer 69 with you FL210, they should acknowledge the report, with Simmer 69, Atlanta, Roger, altimeter is 29.98, (believe above 10,000 feet, no altimeter reading is needed) not, continue on present plan, or continued to AVON as planned, but again no expert, so cannot really say what is correct, just know it’s way different than FSX, and not as professional as I think it should be. And, in Europe, believe, ATC also assigns an airspeed for you to fly at, seems I have seen/heard that mentioned. So the "continue as planned or to AVON as planned may be a European procedure, we don’t as a rule do it here in the USA I don’t think.
I’m also sure the community will thank you, but, it may be overcome by events as the roadmap has this I think to be fast tracked for a fix, at least think by end of year, or Jan 2021.
Assumption on my part is the development of ATC was handled by a team, different people on the team got different voice parts and when coded into game, did not run through standardization protocols to iron out those issues that the community is finding. Bet this make real world pilots cringe each time they hear wrong procedures or words mispronounced. It gets me the “o n e & don ta”, it would have taken almost nothing to get 50 people in a room, and encode their voices with standard ATC terminology, again, development of this sim was and ongoing costs MONEY.
It is sort of like a new Recreational Vehicle, some manufacturers build em, shove em out the door, expecting dealer to fix anything the purchaser finds wrong, and some inspect the finished product for 7 days, with different team looking for mistakes to fix prior to shipment. It’s money either way, because manufacturer pays dealer to fix on the backend, like sim now, could have done it correct when building, now they got to go back in and fix it. Moderators, please do not disable this post, that ATC gets fixed is something all of us want.