After yesterday’s update, the system has added a feature that “lights up” buttons on the flight deck of the A320NX, as well as labels them. In the process, it seems to have made it impossible to operate the pull/push function for autopilot and other controls. Anyone else having this problem and if so, found a way to correct it. For what its worth, I have turned off all the relevant assistance options that are now found in the controls menu.
I have changed the new feature to legacy but indeed some things don’t work anymore. I was not able to change the fuel selector in the C172.
Where do you make the change to “legacy?”
General options > Accessibility.
Cockpit interaction system - LEGACY
Options > generel options > accessibility > cockpit interaction system - LEGACY
Cockpit interaction system - LOCK
Options > generel options > accessibility > cockpit interaction system - LOCK
Go to options > controls options > mouse
Under filter select ALL
Click search by name
and search
Cockpit ineraction - tertiary action
Assign for example mouse 5
Validate and save changes.
Press and hold Left Mouse Button and press Mouse 5 = PULL
Go to options > controls options > mouse
Under filter select ALL
Click search by name
and search
Cockpit ineraction - secondary action
Assign for example mouse 4
Validate and save changes.
Press and hold Left Mouse Button and press Mouse 4 = PUSH
Thanks very much. I will go through these steps. But out of curiosity, why is this necessary when it worked just fine before the update?
It’s designed to be easier for console users who have to use a gamepad to look around the cockpit, and some PC users also find it’s easier to stay “attached” to the specific control they’re trying to use without worrying about the mouse floating on to something else now.
I do agree it was a mistake for the mode to be switched to the new one automatically without documentation, especially since it leaves the primary interaction unbound by default.
Okay, when I reset to the Legacy mode, I was back in familiar territory and the customary push/pull buttons worked. One last question. Is there a way to get rid of the the labels that come up when I mouse over a button?
I’ve turned off those new popup captions – and the on screen buttons seem to work ok now, when I click on them with the mouse – eg to push, pull, or rotate etc.
Sorry, how did you turn off the popup captions?
No need. I just figured out that the answer is in the General Controls/Accessibility tab.
thank you for helping the community…
I born to help others
thanks a million for your help! I thought I’d never be able to use the push / pull selector!
You’re very welcome.