Random activation of sim events

I’m posting on behalf of a fellow MSFS pilot. His sim suffers from the following random sim events with no apparent input:

  1. VFR Map appears
  2. Sim view changes
  3. Mixture closes (with no visible travel, it just goes from fully open to fully closed, apparently instantaneously)

These three events appear to happen at random (in terms of timing), with no hands or feet touching any controllers, the mouse or the keyboard (he can stand at the far end of the room and the same events occur!). It is as if there is a poltergeist in the room (or a hacker controlling the PC/sim remotely)! The mouse cursor never moves and there are no apparent “clicks” either.

As a fault-finding exercise I removed ALL bindings (including all keyboard keys) for mixture, such that the only way the it can be moved is by using click-and-drag with the cursor. Even so, random closure of the mixture still occurs.

The Community folder is empty.

Does anyone have any suggestions for the cause please?

Test it again with reduced graphic details.
I often had random entries (Throttle, Breaks, VR on/off) if my resolution was too high because the CPU maincore was overloaded. No joke.

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Nothing to do with your particular situation but just an anectdotal event.

Yesterday I was flying the P-38L from Flying Iron using a secondary monitor to navigate with Navigraph. I was roughly two hours into the flight and beginning to get close to setting up my arrival. As I was perusing Navigraph on the second monitor, so there was no focus on the sim screen, I clicked on one of the STARS on the Navigraph page and all of a sudden I heard this very loud bang. My wife was in the same room on her computer and it startled her. She yelled out, “what was that!”.

The cockpit canopy just opened randomly and within a couple of seconds another loud bang as it jettisoned from the airframe! :scream:

I have no idea as to why this happened as I stated I wasn’t even focused on the sim at the time of the event but it sure was exciting and to finish the flight with all the engine noise as well as the external ambient sounds. It was actually quieter when moving to outside view than it was in the cockpit.

I only hope nobody on the ground got injured as the canopy fell to the earth. :laughing:

I’ve had random events happen. ATC commnads, VFR map, and the like. I use Voice Attack and it turns out it was interpreting some ambient sounds as voice commands. Changed to commands a bit and it stopped doing that.

I was about to open a new post about strange events in the sim when I read this. In my case, I was flying the TBM mod. Started from cold and dark, reached the runway, full throttle and I noticed the airspeed indicator was dead. Aborted T/O, returned to the parking. Shut off everything, and retried(something I would have never done IRL, but that’s the good part of simulation). Down to the runway again, it worked. But during climb, passing 6500 feet, speed and altimeter froze. I had anti-ice on, so it wasn’t my mistake. Lukily, the alternate speed and baro were still working and I could land safe back to the field. On ground, I realized that the steering controls assigned to my joystik didn’t respond. Again lukily I had a backup switch. So after the flight I tried to edit the controls config, but it doesn’t respond. Few options appear unless I choose expand all on the left window. And even with that it’s difficult to edit the values since the buttons don’t respond properly. Simply a mess. Really a strange flow of events. Later today I made a new flight (California) and everything was perfect but the fact that my tailnumber went back to the default.
My sensation is that all of this occurs after the inslallation of the latest Nvidia drivers yesterday. Previous version gave me CTDs, I switched on DX12 as suggested in other posts. Yesterday I installed the new drivers just released, switched back to DX11 and had these problems. By the way, with the new drivers, no ctd, no sutters and good CPU/GPU usage (around 70%, I5 and GTX1660, medium-high graphic settings). I wonder how many people are experiencing this funny (if loosing the canopy can be felt as a funny event…) bugs.