After a lot of problems I decided to delete all was related to MSFS (Uninstall, DVD content, Official) and to do a new clear install.
I loaded again all DVDs. No problem at this stage. Then I launched the sim from Microsoft Store and I got the message relative to the redeem code. I followed official instructions and now I have the message “Access to content servers is currently unavailable”. I followed again the official instructions without success. It looks like these instructions concern only those with digital version or using the sim through XBox. In fact it is not clear at all what to do when starting from DVDs.
Thank you very much for some explanations.
Best regards
Hi, had the same after reinstalling from DVD.
Although you do not use the Xbox app this might be the problem:
Log off form MS store
Log off from Xbox app
Uninstall the Xbox app
Download and install the Xbox app
Log in the Xbox app
Log in MS store
Thank you very much for answering. It is what I did but it does not work for me and I have always the same message about the content servers. It is quite irritating and frustrating. I have opened a ticket a few days ago but the answers are the official links I tried now several times.
Best regards
PS What do you do exactly for uninstalling DVDs MSFS ?
What I did:
click uninstall in MSFS settings -> the C:\Users…\AppData… folder was deleted
as the Official folder was still present I manually deleted it
as the DVD content was still installed I uninstalled it through the control panel
load again 10 DVDs (about 3 hours)
follow all zendesk recommendations and no update panel even if the sim is labelled
sorry to hear it did not work for you!
I just read the part of your initial thread regarding the Xbox app and was reminded to myself when having the problem: “Naaah, Xbox can not be the problem, I do not use it” was my reaction
Another launch and again unsuccessful. Furthermore the version number in the Microsoft Store was indicated to be as I have only the content of the DVDs. I’m very confused about this situation.
Anyway let’s hope.
Best regards
The sequence summarized by #BoMo6194 (thank you) was a success. I just added a restart PC before (re)installing Xbox app. I finally got the download page (45.86 GB). More than a week for reinstalling MSFS !!!
However the success is not complete as now only 2 planes are available. I read it was a consequence of an installation not on the C:\ drive. The modification of UserCfg.opt is not a solution : all is to be downloaded again. In the “content manager” panel others planes are not proposed for downloading.
Aircraft’s folders in Official\OneStore contain the missing planes excepted one, the C172SP-classic (there is the G1000).
I am sure there is a solution as after the initial installation on D:\ all planes of the premium deluxe version were available.
Since the beginning each update of the sim is a nightmare. To be positive let’s say it is a good way to learn what is inside a box which would have to be only a black box for most simmers.
Best regards
Before this re installation on my PC 3 Xbox software were present : console companion, Game bar and Live. To achieve this re installation from DVDs I had to install also “Xbox app for Windows 10” and now at each restart of the PC there is the associated panel (to be disabled from the startup list ?). It was not necessary to install Digital ownership.
Best regards