Real Environment Xtreme Announcement | REX Weather Force Weather Engine

So, when using Weather Force and I tune in the ASOS for my destination airport, the ASOS is given me the conditions at the altitude I am currently at? Is that why it seems like the ASOS is skewed up?

And it does not work in VR, :slightly_frowning_face:

Sure it does, a fix for that is listed on Discord:

Start VR first (before loading into the flight)
Tab out and start WF

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Thanks, I don´t even have discord :slight_smile:

EDIT: Sorry my friend, I tried and it kind worked but after starting VR even with Tab out I couln´t bring the WF to set the desired weather, WMR din´t let me. I had to leave the VR, going to Windowed mod, set my weather in WF and put fullscreen again and back to VR. Man, a lot of work, sorry.

I bought this program due to its relatively low price and REX has a decent reputation. This program however I can not recommend at this time. All it does is apply global weather, so you will never see transitions and building fronts like with default weather.

Stick with default live weather for now, maybe Active Sky will have something for us in the future.


Looks pretty amazing:

I bought it last week.

except the fact that you need to click a button to start the depiction, the software makes MSFS look really good.

At least in the December release, the work around is consistently working for me (always start in clear sky is, then turn on real weather in the plane).

You need to start in clear skies for Rex, so that’s my fall back if the built in weather doesn’t kick in.

It would be nice if MSFS opened up their weather system. I also use Pilot2ATC, and while the built-in weather is close enough, it doesn’t match NOAA that’s pulled from Pilot2ATC. It would be nice if add-ones could be working off of the same data. That’s one plus of Rex. I also like how you can monitor the injected weather in detail with Rex.

The downside of Rex from my usage is the clouds are boring (seems single layer and not very dynamic) and conditions change very suddenly.

I saw massive frame rate loss during “smooth” weather transitioning and the only way to stop it is to enable instant weather changes. This obviously looks garbage and ruins immersion. Also, it appears to apply a global weather layer so all of the weather you see is everywhere. This leads to boring cloud formations that are far worse in appearance and accuracy than the default live weather, not to mention you will never have a situation where you are flying in clear skies and can see a squall line in the distance.

I think REX just rushed some half-baked product to market so they could say they have an MSFS product, and to take advantage of people used to previous sims and those weather programs.

Wait for HiFi to produce something in a year or so, they actually know what they are doing and their products always seem to work better than REX.

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Yeah but did you fire up the default weather and see what it produced? Default live weather looks SOOOO much better than REX when it works properly.


With REX WF2020 I notice: Boring, flat clouds. Massive stutters with smooth weather transitions on.

Incorrect winds aloft.

Barometric pressure doesn’t set until the plane moves(this is probably due to the limited weather info, as no SDK is provided for weather(which makes me wonder why this program was released in the first place, but we all know it was MONEY).

Strange, “flannel” cloud patterns, like a block of cloud was just repeated over and over again with no variation.

Having flown using WF2020 and default live weather, I can say that WF2020 is NOT AT ALL worth buying, unless for some reason default live weather doesn’t work at all for you.

Wait for HiFi Simulations to come up with something in a year or so, and in the meantime perhaps the default live weather will improve to the point we don’t need any of these programs. Assuming Asobo does their jobs and makes it work correctly of course, but this seems to be the direction they want to take since they have already announced there will be no SDK support for weather.


I think maybe something is getting lost on your end. I get great effects with REX. I did a live comparison on stream here.

I run rex always. Live weather had this area covered in snow and a late 90’s ww2 level of glowing fog.

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If you look at the development time line it says they will not in any future share SDK info with 3rd party weather makers. Rex and everyone is trying to guess and reroute programs to inject the closest Meter station to your location. Everytime the sim is updated Rex Weather will cause a crash until they update trying to keep up. Sometimes Rex is spot on and sometimes they are not. The only positive hope in them sharing is with the Flybywire 320 mod. They have no intentions on upgrading the A320 so they are letting them do it. I wish they would play nice with 3rd parties NOW in UNITY.

I gave up with REX. I will resume flying with MSFS weather.


another failed weather plugin… [sigh]

Can we just get a good weather plugin?!? Unreal Weather?


I was watching cptcanada’s stream today and he was using REX weatherforce. The clouds seem to have grid pattern throughout his flight. This is especially noticeable at around 1:55:00

Is this a known issue with the add-on?

I think that is just an example of the disadvantage of metar (without interpolations between stations) based programs, because the weather is set “worldwide” here. that means the same data up to the horizon - so you see these repetitions. The change only comes when the next current metar station is queried - but that will certainly be even better. Both methods have their disadvantages and advantages. (I mean default live weather and REX or Unreal Live weather mod).

I gave up on REX - I thought it had potential, but the FPS degradation and generally bugginess is too much. Hoping the native weather will continue to improve. My real complaint is snow cover - I just took off from SLC and flew over Park City and there wasn’t any snow on the ground. I know it’s nit-picky, but it bothers me hahaha.


Hi Simmers,

I just loaded up Rex Weather. It’s been a while. I see something like a mist under some of the clouds. Is it rain? (Please see screenshot.)