Real world taxiways / signage

Inaccurate taxiways (and to a lesser extent inaccurate taxiway signs) is a pretty big dealbreaker for online flying. I ran into issues flying into a smaller (but not tiny) airport where the taxiways and even the aprons didn’t match what I was seeing on charts.

If they are unable to do it themselves, I hope we’ll get access to a “scenery gateway” system similar to X-Plane where users can take the time to update the layouts. Would be the best of both worlds I’d say.


FSX did not always have accurate Taxiway name. For example in Germany almost no airport had accurate Taxiway names

Nah taxiway accuracy doesn’t matter.

Nor does flight model, lighting, planes or anything else.

It looks amaze balls and we should all send Microsoft a thank you card.



fsx didn’t have all of them, nope. but msfs 2020 has even less. we’ve gone backwards.


I really hoped this new sim would be accurate, regarding the release date (2020), the time spent on it and the price !!
Yeah it is actually beautiful, but I’d rather like a realistic modern sim than a pretty empty box… Thanksfully the waypoints seems to be here.

Crossing my fingers for major nav updates (including taxiways, fmc and autopilot) soon, in order to go back online properly


I already filed a support/feedback ticket on zendesk. If a lot of users do that, they certainly have to adress this issue. I too was very disappointed when i touched down in EDDM and realised that my airport charts i used in FSX and XPlane are close to worthless. So let’s hope they fix this asap.


I agree…for online flying like on Vatsim or PE, Accurate taxiway numbers are crucial. Cant navigate an airport properly.


Most airports in FSX did have accurate taxiway signs - at least in the US.

Asobo, please make this happen!


Has anyone else notice that many of these taxiways don’t have any signage? Many of these Taxiways also have taxiway lighting on the centerline


@FightingCord520 i can confirm. Exact Same thing happened to me. Even the taxiways on centerline thing also.

i thought it might just be me. FSX had correct taxiways (and signs) at my local airport. And in this one, I was given taxi clearance for taxiways that don’t exist. On top of that, I had a bus and forklift driving on my assigned taxi way.

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This might be worth reporting as a bug ticket to make sure the issue is seen.

This is what happens when you offload too much work to the AI.
All the Taxway signs are procedurally generated, because they didn’t want to take the time to go through all of them by hand and asign the correct names.
But this is a flightsim, and accurate naming conventions are important.
So this is really something they have to adress.
Just the same as their approach in letting the AI recognize where an Airfield is instead of using a spreadsheet with names and coordinates. That is the reason why so many airports are missing. Because as soon as the Bing data is either deliberatly censored or so bad that the AI can’t recognize something, then it didn’t end up on their “to touch up” -list.


Flew into KMYF… My real world taxi diagram is not valid.

Makes me wonder about other things

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Taxiway signs have a lot of issues at the moment. The two largest issues are that taxiway names are inaccurate / do not match real airport diagrams, and they are far too small.

ISSUE #1: Taxiway names are inaccurate across the globe.

We absolutely need accurate taxiway names to do any sort of realistic operations at unfamiliar airports, especially on VATSIM. It’s a huge bummer that they aren’t accurate. To me, this is almost as important as runway numbers being accurate. Both are important to airfield navigation and need to reflect real life.

Asobo / MS, PLEASE, we beg, find a way to make the taxiway names match real life, either by using AI to scan airport charts and auto apply the names, have developers manually edit them for as many airports as possible, or create a scenery gateway system and allow us to EASILY modify taxiway names and submit them for inclusion with the sim.

Open Street Map seems to have accurate taxiway naming for most airports that I’ve seen. Maybe their data could be imported into the sim. Or some sort of auto-chart-reader utilizing AI could detect sign names on updated charts from the current AIRAC and reflect them in the sim.

ISSUE #2: Taxiway signs are WAY too small.

See this post from this thread for information on accurate sign sizing.

Taxiway signs at larger airports with runways over 5000 ish feet should be significantly larger than they currently are. This is very important for anyone flying large aircraft at large airfields. The signs need to be legible while moving at normal taxi speeds (15-25 kts), and they need to be large enough to read from afar and up high in the cockpit of aircraft like the 747. There are standardized ICAO taxiway sign sizes, and you can see what they are in the post above. This information is available on the internet in other locations as well. Here is an FAA Advisory Circular on taxiway sign sizes. See page 9.

ALSO: Many taxiway signs are one sided, which is rarely the case in real life. Taxiway signs that are on runway intersections need to have a side facing the exit so that exiting aircraft know what taxiway they exited the runway on. Make sure signs are double sided.

These are less wishes for cool added features and more a plea for things that we NEED on this sim in order for it to be realistic and feasible to fly online. These are things that have existed in nearly all other major sims that have been released, and MSFS is one of the first to not include accurate taxiway names and signs that are the same size as in real life.


Completely agree! Thought I was drunk when the taxiways didn’t match on my Foreflight when I had gotten my taxi clearance. Basically had to decipher where they wanted me to go. Not study level! Not ready for Vatsim! Just unorganized.


Yeah I sent in a bug report today will update if they respond but the more people that send it in the more likely it will be fixed.


Exactly! There’s really no feasible way to accurately fly on VATSIM (or navigate around an airport) without accurate taxiway names… surprised this issue has taken lower priority over others (like the complaints about trees being too tall lol).


I sent one in the other day too.

APPARENTLY we have no way to modify existing airport sceneries… we can only start from scratch :frowning: Horribly disappointing considering the circumstances. This is important to us.


2000% agree.

There are a lot of plates that are blank, some you can’t read at all Some are completely missing. It’s a bit of a mess.