Redout, blackout and other effects from G forces

Why are there no built-in redout and blackout effects? I mean with sharp curves in an Extra 330 you should get your limits displayed. The same applies to oxygen deficiency (hypoxia). These are very important topics in aviation.

Of course these effects should be optionally activatable/deactivatable. But I would be very happy about this additional realism.

just same reason why we not have and not see “Wake Vortex” ( not sure about the right word , just turbulences behind aircraft and these air pressure lines left and right on wings )… other “sims” have it :wink:


Yes, Wake Vortex Turbulence would be fantastic too. But black- and redouts are actually a minimum in a flight simulator. I mean the Extra 300 I can pull so hard, without consequences. In real life I would make a long face and then take a nap. :wink: But here I can circle and circle and circle until the fuel is gone. Just like the children’s carousel. :laughing:

There are more important problems in MSFS, but they should be on the to-do list for the next 10 years (just like wake vortex turbulence).

oh… an optimist :rofl:

Yes, I am an optimist. Otherwise I wouldn’t have started this. Maybe this is more likely than getting helicopters. :wink:

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I read helicopter… direct a like…

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It would be very appreciable if it were also possible to implement the visual effects due to positive and negative G acceleration, such as the “black vision” and “red vision” that can be obtained in acrobatic maneuvers and military jets.strong textG

I think it would be nice for military birds, but seriously with how abrupt and unrealisted turbulence is right now, you would probably kill your aircraft as it is with G limits being busted.

This would be worth implementing on at least some level imo, considering that we do have some high performance aircraft (eg Extra 330) that you would definitely notice G’s in if you were doing aerobatics and such.

Hi guys,

I think it would be nicee, when the main issues from the simulation are fixed, that we can maybe simulate the g forces. I mean when you fly with to high g forces you will fall in faint when you overstress your body.
That would be nicce when this at someday be simulated in the simulator. Also i would glad to see some 0 g simulation like a parabolic flight.

I mean when this will be simulated we can in this part of simulation see some flying things from the cockpit like paper, the view will also be lose gravity then and should give us a feeling of the g forces or 0 g. in the cokpit at 0 g should we also have then flying penciles or something else see.

The camera or the view from the simulator in the cokpit should be act together with the g forces and give us a feeling of them.

What do you think about simulated g forces in the MSFS 2020 leter when the main issues are fixed?



You mean like X-plane does?

Yeah but in better and with 0 G animations like flying pencils, paper or another things in cockpit

Legendsy said,

And even if they didn’t say that, they are entitled to ask for things without sarcastic rebuttals.

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Would like to see this as well.

+10 to all of these points.

G-Force effects are now built in with the Game of the Year Edition. The field of view narrows, becomes blurred until a complete blackout/redout occurs and the aircraft is no longer controllable.

Under Assistance Options > User Experience you can choose accordingly whether:

  • the G-Effect is off, as it would be for a trained pilot, or if the effect works as it would for an untrained civilian.
  • whether one has put on an Anti-G-Suit or not

Accordingly are the effects then. Try the settings when flying with the EXTRA 330:
G-Effect: Civil Aviation Pilot
G-Suit: OFF
Have fun :slight_smile: This is how I imagined it.

Positive G-Force (Blackout)

Negative G-Force (Redout)

Also you can now hear the press breathing in tight turns.
I did not test hypoxia and wake turbulence :wink:
But I am very satisfied with the G-Force effects. Well done Asobo, many thanks!

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Thank you for this, Asobo!