Redgrave Redux — Boeing 307 Stratoliner Improvement Mod

Some of us are happy to give our work away. I do it because it’s fun, and I do it for me. In the end, I might as well share the wealth. I like my day job, too, I get paid well enough.

Btw, it’s happened multiple times that they’ve paid authors. GotFriends started with freeware, now they’re a major partner. Same thing with Working Title, and others, all supplying awesome stuff to us. So, I think your requirements have been satisfied many times over.


Fair enough, I seem to be eternally stuck in overworked-and-underpaid sort of jobs, so that’s my frame of mind. Hope I didn’t offend.

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Were you perhaps replying to someone else? I never said anything about developers having to work for free. They are getting paid for their work. This IS their job. I don’t understand how they can overlook rather simple details over and over again, unless they are rushing stuff out the door with little to no QC. Especially when all you have to do is sit in the cockpit to see the altimeter has the 8 swapped for a 6, for example.

I work in a part of the aviation industry and we can’t just get the details “close enough”. We don’t get paid to get it close, we have to get it right. When I make a mistake, and I do because we’re all human, I do my best to correct it ASAP because I take pride in my work. We don’t rely on customers down stream to correct our mistakes. Why should developers be any different?

I was just saying why… I didn’t say it was right or ok. But, I agree, that wasn’t necessarily implicit in my comments, I should have said that.

I’ve beta tested a few products for authors, and, pretty much that was my only benefit to the team was catching some of the small stuff that typically slips through.

In my own experience developing scenery, it’s really easy to forget to go through some of the forms in the scenery editor package interface the way it’s set up, and it can reset things that should be persistent.

But I agree, in 2020 I would fix the aircraft.cfg for nearly every aircraft I purchased. It’s so simple to review them, and so simple to get it right, I don’t get it either.

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Back again in Fs2020 from the 2024 mes …I will fly this aircraft with this mod again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:, we have to enhance these masterpieces and don’t let them die

Hi Big Nixon…i want to ask…the engine sound in this mod is the default?


I tried a number of times to change the sounds or to add sounds for switches, pumps, etc., but a didn’t have any success.

I’m fairly sure that I am doing something wrong, but the SDK documentation for sound is difficult to understand.

There is the option to use this engine sound file:

You’d need to pay via Patreon, but doing so allows you to download their other sound files, too.

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Update on 2024 Compatibility

I’ve got the mod working in 2024 after making some small changes.

I’m currently pounding my head against the wall trying to figure out how to get the Carb Heat lever’s mouse drag inverted. I had a major struggle with this for the 2020 version of the mod and, with the changes to Carb Heat manipulation in 2024, I’m having to go through this all over again.

The issue stems from Aeroplane Heaven setting up the carb heat lever animations backwards. Basically, the minimum position is with the lever pushed all the way to Hot and the maximum position is with it pulled all the way to Cold. This has me having to invert the code for the lever-to-heat application otherwise Cold is where Hot is and Hot is where Cold is. It sounds easy, but it isn’t.

Anyhow, I have the mod working in 2024, minus this issue.

When I can figure this out, I will post an updated version for both sims.



Here’s something fun that I just discovered.

The EFB in 2024 has a seating layout that is meant to mimic how the seats are placed in the aircraft. The way Aeroplane Heaven had setup the seat positions made it crystal clear I needed to fix them for 2024.

For one, they were all on the centerline of the aircraft and each of the sleeper triple-seats were being treated as one large seat, rather than 3 individual seats.

What’s the fun part?

There were more right-side seat rows in the Weight & Balance section than on the aircraft!

I had to delete Rows 7R and 8R. Ooopsie!

Details, schmetails.

I also think they got the reference datum for the aircraft wrong. It’s supposed to be 50 inches forward of the nose. I’m not seeing that set correctly.


I feel like this is the first I’ve heard of this… does every aircraft allow for filling seats like that??

Yes. Here’s a shot of the EFB for the PC-12 passenger variant:

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So it turns out, if these cutaway images of the 307 are correct, that the aircraft had 8 rows of sleeper seating. AH modeled this 307 with 6 rows.

So, do I setup the W&B for 8 rows or do I set it for 6? Ugh.

I wondered why the seats were so far apart in the model as compared to images of the actual aircraft.

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Set it up for eight, do it the way it’s supposed to be.


It’s definitely what I am doing and I’m adding the 9th seat for the left side recliners that isn’t there either.


Thank you for continuing to fix AH’s mistakes! It makes this aircraft very tempting.


Well, here is one baby step towards 2024:

The first “wide body” airliner that was wider than the 707 that replaced it for the jet age.

The 130 lb. Flight Attendant (per Boeing’s weight definitions) might be my favorite part. I wonder if she likes swing dancing…


So this is weird.

I’m sitting here in the 307 parked on the ramp with #1 blaring along at METO as I am fine tuning oil temperature, which is behaving differently in 2024.

Anyhow, for whatever reason I clicked the latch and slid open the Captain’s window and the audio level changed!

This doesn’t work in 2020 (at least I’m nearly pretty sure it doesn’t, I messed with it a whole lot trying to figure out why it didn’t) and I’ve changed nothing about the sounds in 2024.


I think it has something to do with the idle sound vs higher RPM sound. When the engine is idling, and making that horrific racket that it does, the audio level doesn’t appear to change with the window’s opened/closed state.

Something to investigate…

(Have I mentioned and/or is it obvious that I love the Stratoliner?)


Keep the modding musings coming, I love reading them!


next update will be for fs 2020 too? i ve ftsim sound i have to try with P