Refueling on the ground doesn`t work

How can you refuel on the ground, requesting ATC to refuel does not work, the tanker comes, but the fuel bar does not fill up! what do you have to do?

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Perhaps your credit card wasn’t accepted by the sim fuel supplier? :wink:
Unless there is a way to specify how much fuel to put in, you’ll have to tell the weight menu how much is in. That will drive the weight and balance recalculation as well as moving the fuel gauges.
You also have to tell the GX1000 as well, I think.

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Are you getting the fueling pop up screen (at least for non-airliners)? That’s where you move the slider to decide how much fuel you want to add (and can also add/reduce passengers/baggage as appropriate).
If you’re not getting the pop up screen, make sure the fuel icon is available and turned on from the drop down at the top of the screen.

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