Reinstallation not possible from MS Store

Hello all,

I’m currently lost and frustrated.

I have a DVD version of MSFS2020.
I used to do so reinstallation of this simulation, first time done with DVDs + MS Strore product key.

Yesterday I uninstall MSFS2020 to do a clean install again (it was not the first time) and no more way to install it from the store.
First I click on the blue button (install) then It’s asked me where I want to install it, so i choose my specific SSD for MSFS2020 but after that nothing happen…

Did one of you got the same issue ?

I’m on W11 with latest updates. Same for my AMD 7900XT.

I don’t understand what is happening.

Thanks in advance for your help.

We’ve moved your topic into the Community Support category.

The Bug Reporting category is for posting suspected or confirmed bugs that other users are able to reproduce. Using the template is required in order to provide valuable information, feedback, and replication steps to our test team.

If you are not sure if your issue is a bug or need further input from the community, please use the Community Support category. If the community can replicate your issue, first search the Bug Reporting category to see if there’s an existing topic. If it already exists, contribute to that report. Duplicate bug reports will be closed.

If you believe it is a new report, then create a new bug topic using the provided topic template.

All issues caused by or involving third-party addons/mods should be reported to the third-party developer. Assure that no addons/mods are used when reporting issues in Bug Reports.

Try this Support checklist:


Thanks for the “Support Checklist”, I did everithing described and still not able to install it from the MS Store, after seclecting the disk for installation, nothing is happening.
Is there a problem with the MS Store ?

Install via Xbox app

Good morning all,

Problem solved. I’ve followed the following procedure and it’s back to normal.

In French:

Essayez de réinstaller l’application Gaming Services sur votre appareil Windows 10/11 :

  1. Sélectionnez l’icône Rechercher dans la barre des tâches, tapez powershell, cliquez avec le bouton droit sur Windows PowerShell, puis sélectionnez Exécuter en tant qu’administrateur.
  2. Dans Windows PowerShell, tapez la commande suivante et appuyez sur Entrée :
    3.get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers*
  3. Dans la même fenêtre, tapez la commande suivante, puis appuyez sur Entrée :
    5.start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN*

In English :

Try reinstalling the Gaming Services app on your Windows 10/11 device:

  1. Select the Search icon in the taskbar, type powershell, right-click on Windows PowerShell, then select Run as administrator.
  2. In Windows PowerShell, type the following command and press Enter:
    3.get-appxpackage Microsoft.GamingServices | remove-AppxPackage -allusers*
  3. In the same window, type the following command, then press Enter:
    5.start ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9MWPM2CQNLHN*

If that can help some of you.

Have nice days and flights.

Best regards.