For the past few months that MSFS has been out, something has always felt missing to me. Something… out of this world.
So today I’m releasing the world’s first study level* UFO for MSFS! Featuring a sink, blender, kettle, and a whole bunch of cabinets, as well as a stove/oven and coffee table, it feels a lot like a weird mesh between a kitchen and living room. As well as this, it contains essential systems paired with the default 747 (must be installed to use).
- Maximum speed of 7100 knots, cruise speed of 6000 knots
- Max operating altitude of 275,000 ft
- Custom sounds
- Can make the Kessel Run in less than 12 parsecs
- Around the world trip can take less than 4 hours
- Kitchen included
- Hatch that opens and closes
- Rotating world map
- Altitude set
The UFO is also equipped with a powerful laser (use it how you wish).
*Disclaimer: there’s been no bar set for what a study level UFO is… yet