RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

It was only ever the WXR that was disabled on Xbox, and that is no longer the case following this update.

Martyn - Just Flight

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Think the version number got set wrong


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0.2.3 is the latest. Just got it from Justflight today.

Yes, me too
but it won’t install because of the version number.
It’s not in Programs and Features to de-install, and deleting the 146 folder out of Community doesn’t help either.

From the JF Forum:

"We are currently looking into what is causing some users to not be able to install the latest version of the 146.
As a short term solution you should be able to resolve the problem in the following way:
Ensure you have closed the Add or Remove Programs window.
Browse to “C:\Program Files (x86)\InstallShield Installation Information” (this may be a hidden folder so you may need to show it -guide )
Locate the folder {94EC32C4-50EA-4603-B9C1-E797ABE5ABC5}, and delete it.


Thx. This allowed me to install the update. Before I had the same error as you.

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Fixed it for me as well.

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Hi all,

Our IT team is investigating these error messages when running the v0.2.3 installer and we provide an update as soon as we know more.

For those who haven’t updated yet, we would recommend uninstalling v0.2.2 via Windows’ Apps and Features before running the v0.2.3 installer. That should ensure a smooth update process.

If anyone is having difficulties installing the 146 Professional v0.2.3 update, can I kindly ask you to open a ticket with Just Flight Support via the following link and our support team will be able to assist: Just Flight - Support

Apologies for the inconvenience.

Mark - Just Flight


A huge Thank You! to the Just Flight team for this update. What a year!


Thanks for the confirmation

It seems 0.2.2 was versioned as 1.2.2

I did my first flight with the new update and it’s great. I like the new EFB’s look and also the airplane felt very very smooth fps-wise. GSX interaction was also flawless.


All good here too.

Except could not disable the FMS again. I seem to recall this was an issue previously.

Clicking the little switch (removing the tick on Use FMS Navigation) just will not work here.

Hey Martyn. When will the update be available on Simmarket?

Was that during boarding/deboarding?

Martyn - Just Flight

Usually within 24 hours of our release, so hopefully sometime today.

Martyn - Just Flight

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Hi there,

Was during flight. So I’m guessing user error. I learned the plane initially but forgotten a lot. I’ll try again add let you know.

Thank you.

Edit: Yes this was the issue. Can’t be changed during flight. Thanks for the hint @NORTMAR

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Just waiting for FSDT to release an GSX Pro update so we can enable the seated pax in the 146 in the FSDT installer.

No issues for me with the latest 146 update.

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In case there are those on here awaiting the release of our RJ Professional, we can confirm it’s now available from our store at Just Flight.

Remember owners of the 146 qualify for a 20% discount. If purchased from us you’ll have the discount code in your account now. The RJ will be available at other stores and hopefully the Marketplace next week, week after latest.

RJ Professional product page:


I’ve just updated the BAE146 in the MSFS store and was pleasantly surprised by the EFB updates. I’m on Xbox so may be behind the PC release.

I love the new navigraph enroute IFR charts - they are really useful on flights. I’ve also noticed the changes to the OFP page in the EFB - very nice.

Thank you for your continuing support of one of the best planes in MSFS.


Hey Just Flight.

Having just seen today’s MSFS livestream, it appears that Working Title have developed a UNS-1 FMS.

You did all that work to develop one yourselves.

Are you going to maintain yours or incorporate theirs?

What is your plan here?

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