RELEASED! Just Flight Bae146 "the Little Jumbojet" April 29th

Based on the current state of the WT UNS-1 in MSFS 2024, we’ll be keeping our own for the foreseeable. That also maintains consistency with the 2020 version of the 146.

We are working on a variety of fixes and improvements to the UNS-1 as part of our F28 v2 upgrade work, and those changes will be added to the 146 shortly.

Martyn - Just Flight


Thanks for the info.

Looking forward to the updates!

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Treated myself over Christmas and bought the RJ. It’s more up my street as opposed to the 146, as unfortunately, I just don’t have the time to fly analog birds. Absolutely addicted, and even with some systems automated, there’s still quite a workload, love it! :+1:


I by no means mean to criticize, but what to you mean by not having time to fly the analog birds? I find the workload about the same, or even less without worrying about what an FMS thinks I should do.

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Modern planes are “take off and forget”. With vnav, autothrottle and fms you can engage A/P soon after take off and there is not much to do until TOD. When flying a320 or b737 I can go shopping, cook dinner or take a nap. With BAe 146 I can’t leave it unattended for 5min because I need to keep eye on speed (no A/T) and tune nav radios every now and then.


Took the words out of my mouth, sir.

After watching numerous videos on both, I just decided the RJ was better suited to my flying time.

Had a wee mishap at EGNS over the weekend, 45kt crosswinds… I mean, I landed, into the terminal. I did chuckle at the upbeat after landing music though. :rofl:

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Why not just practice taking off and landing then, without the hassle of the flying between points A and B, or speed up the sim rate to complete the flight faster? Unless you’re one of those guys who likes to pretend they’re hardcore, saying “I’ve got 25000 flying hours logged,” I just don’t see the point? Pilots in real life don’t get up and do their shopping or whatever!

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Because I like flying between points A and B.

I am not sure what is the point of your post? I only explained to other person why flying analogue planes requires more time than modern ones. And then you come with telling me how I should play this game. Weird.


Let’s not turn this thread into another, “You’re not a real simmer” debate. How people use the sim should not concern you.

Analog = great, but not for me. If that causes anger, then I’d highly suggest a long break in the countryside, and a selection of pan pipe music playing while you’re there.

On with the 146/RJ thread… :+1:


Perfectly put. How one uses their sim is entirely upto them as long as it doesn’t result in some wierd feature request or more importantly some feature removal request that I see from time to time. It shouldn’t be anyone’s business how someone LIKES to take off / climb / cruise / descend / land.

Personally I love the higher workload of the 146 but that’s just my preference.

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I think it has less to do with analogue vs digital instruments and more to do with the auto throttle and being able to do an unattended cruise with an fms. For VOR to VOR you have to be there to update the frequencies. Other than that I think both have pretty same workload.

And configuring the fms pretty quick with things like simbrief integration.

Not at all, I wasn’t telling you how to fly at all. You were the one who said you can go shopping, sleeping, whatever during the cruise portion of the flight, which to me doesn’t translate to “I like flying from point A to point B”. As I mentioned, it’s perfectly possible to do this by speeding up the sim if you don’t want to sit and stare at a screen. As for the"I’m not sure as to the point of the post", well the same argument could be made as to leaving the sim to it’s own devices. As mentioned, real pilots don’t wander off mid-flight to do their laundry, shopping or whatever, and depending on which aircraft you’re flying in the sim at any given time, unexpected things can and do happen which requires input from the pilot.

If you wish to leave the sim to do it’s own thing while you go of and do something completely unrelated, that’s entirely up to you.

No anger at all, not from me at least. People are free to fly whatever they choose - I prefer the analogue aircraft because there are things to do at all points if the flight, rather than me pressing a button minutes after take off and sitting there for an hour letting the plane fly itself with no input from me until five minutes before landing.

I was simply suggesting an alternative option for those who want to press a button and forget the aircraft to save them time during the cruise portion of the flight - that way they can have even more time to do more flights, doing the thing they enjoy most (taking off and landing) rather than twiddling their thumbs while the aircraft does its thing. Like I said above, people are entirely free to do whatever they choose - it was just a suggestion, nothing more.

Those of you who purchased the 146 via the MSFS 2020 Marketplace might have noticed that it’s now available in your MSFS 2024 Marketplace hanger. Please note that we haven’t yet released an MSFS 2024 compatible version of the 146 and therefore, whilst the aircraft is usable, you will find a variety of issues with areas such as lighting.

Like with other developers, this release was outside of our control, and we’ll let you know when the MSFS 2024 compatibility update is available. Until then, we’re not able to support its use in that simulator.

Martyn - Just Flight


I’m making up some regional flights to/from smaller airports here in California.

Some of these places don’t have STARs and I’d like to utilize the UNS’ VNAV section to help me manage TOD.

I’m reading the manual, but I’m not seeing how one sets up VNAV when they don’t have a STAR to enter into the system.

I’ve set the Target V/S, but I can’t figure out how to enter a distance from the airport that I’d like to have as the TOD.

I tried entering an approach – I’m using BATC, so I haven’t been assigned one, but I thought for learning purposes, I’d pick a procedure to see if it will generate a TOD for me – and I see the altitude constraints for the various points in the approach, but TO TOD remains blank.

Does anyone have an experience/knowledge they can hand down?

I don’t have this one but can you enter an altitude constraint at a fix? If so then setting a desired altitude at say the FAF should give the VNAV something to work back from.

Many thanks for the update.

I was wondering why I was having problems loading the 146 (Xbox X). For me the camera would never zoom down to the earth when starting a flight, but I could see the 146 on the ground.

I’m just learning these aircraft again, and I find TiJayFly pretty good. There’s a section at the beginning where he disables the onboard FMS as the aircraft works well with World Map planner. I hope this helps.