Absolutely not a “stupid ask”, and frankly, we are not sure ourselves.
I haven’t heard anything on that specific case, as in, if someone is running both platforms, and has purchased this title. We do know that MS has a long list of titles that they are working through to bring from MSFS2020 to 2024, and ours, being less than 3 weeks on the Marketplace, is probably way down on the list.
And by “bringing them”, we mean, MS needs to convert them in some manner so they can be used in 2024. That is our understanding.
No Marketplace content from FS2020 that was released after FS2024’s release has shown up as available in FS2024 yet, as far as I’ve seen. The KSC package isn’t showing up for me in 2024, nor is the T-7A Red Hawk released a week or two before it despite the devs saying it’s FS2024-compatible.
Thanks for chiming in, everyone. Yeah, we can’t do anything about this. When MSFS24 MP becomes active (and the rumors are, very soon), we may test/build/tweak a version for 24 and submit it for 24, if there is such a mechanism.
But something tells me the submission mechanism won’t differentiate between platforms (as it presently doesn’t between hardware PC/XBox). There will be a single version, and MS will make necessary changes on their end, as they do now, albeit very slow.
Beautiful scenery! And thank you again for making it! I bought it and give it five stars.
I was wondering if I might ask for a low-priority feature request. (And don’t worry, it’ll still get five stars from me even if you say no.)
Near the Visitor’s Center, there is a badging office to allow guests to enter through the security gate at KSC. Right next to it is a Mercury Redstone rocket that the MSFS team didn’t model, even though they already made a custom model for the Redstone that they used in the Visitor’s Center rocket garden. Here’s a picture:
Would it be possible to add it as part of your package in some future update? It’s totally fine by me if you guys use the same model used in World Update 2 and if the model disappears if you don’t have World Update 2 installed.
Here are the Bing coordinates: 28.525538, -80.674365. And here are those coordinates in the sim:
After World Update 2 came out, I created a Zendesk ticket telling them of their omission, gave them the coordinates, and told them that they already had the custom model to do this. But just like everything else, they ignored the request. Zendesk ticket #81979, if anyone from Microsoft is listening. (But I know nobody’s listening.)
or… if you can’t wait, I can make a tiny little free scenery package just for you (well, anyone here, and I will post it in the discord server as well)
OR - you can do it yourself, if you are design inclined. All you need is already on your PC or downloadable for free…
My friend, you are too kind, doing that so quickly, especially on the weekend! Thank you!!
Don’t worry about me; I’m familiar with the SDK. Here’s mine, with a couple of polygons excluding some trees right next to it, and your VAB in the background:
If I may offer a small suggestion…I believe the real-life Redstone rockets have the words “UNITED STATES” written on both sides. In the World Update 2 model, they only put it on one side. (I’m not going to bother with a bug report for that. They’re never going to fix it.) I rotated mine to 20° because I assume that most people would be familiar with the side facing the parking lot.
Here’s a reference photo taken at approximately 28.525331, -80.674979:
If I also may point out something else, if you don’t mind…I assume that the rotating circles on the crawler are axles. Looks like the real ones rotate in different directions from each other:
Assuming that they are axles, they would rotate in opposite directions when coming at you or going away from you. In this addon, they spin clockwise in both cases:
Just wanted to give you a heads up about this.
(And I hope that my nitpicky comment isn’t interpreted as lack of gratitude. I’m really thankful that you built this, and this is a five-star product no matter what. I can’t wait to see what else you add to it in the future!)
LOL good eye, and yes, it is nitpicking but I love nit picked details!! I am frankly not sure what they are (and I am a mechanical engineer by education). At first I thought they are some kind of brake discs because there is what appears to be hydraulics piping around that area, and also, calipers of sorts, if I am not mistaken… But I don’t think they would need brakes for this behemoth
Alright, I looked it up! (Nothing like getting a nerd with OCD excited about something. ) They’re parts of the DC traction motors, and there are 16 of them onboard (which is what I think you have).
From the point of view of the top halves, they spin towards each other when coming toward you:
and from the point of view of the top halves, they spin away from each other when going away from you:
Don’t worry, I noticed. But I wasn’t going to bring it up. The reason I brought up the traction motors is because I can see them when standing on the crawlerway.
Buttt…if you ever decided to do them (no pressure from me…seriously), here are a few seconds of reference footage:
Currently, working on a crawler support vehicle convoy. There will be a random number of vehicles spawning alongside the crawlerway, and then joining up and slowly following crawler
Then, a water truck
Then, some “walkers” moving around. I just need to get a decent 3D worker with walking animation.
I purchased this scenery, but on Xbox X I had to restart 5times the game before things are working like supposed to be “in place”, and not somewhere else half.
I occasionally ask my MS liaison about the status of the KSC Scenery availability for MSFS2024 (potential customers have been asking us and we obviously want that market segment), and this is the answer as of a weeks ago:
“As for porting to 2024, we do not have an exact timeline, but it will happen and be made available for you to look at. We’ll let you know when we have more information to share.”
Thanks for the update. I’m sure that’s hugely frustrating to you guys. Hoping the Marketplace release in a few weeks fixes a lot of this situation and lets them move forward with the transfer process.
Sorry to hear that. We did everything we could to make it usable on XBox - the XBox hardware is still lagging far behind the latest PC stuff. I myself work/develop on a 5 year old Lenovo gaming laptop with a lowly GTX 1660 Ti just so I get a sense of the performance on lower end systems.
We were told by the MS and testers that this was not any worse or any better than any other “extensive” sceneries available on XBox.
Today actually with my “new” rotorcraft I managed it to crash MSFS2020 Version on Xbox X. I think it was about the second time it got so far.
This is susposed to be with the Artemisa:
Tried to make some more screenshots from Xbox X more near to ground where I normally fly with an Guimbal Cabri G2, but game crashed finally. Also got some tuff time with the Astro ONE in this scenery.
On my laptop that looks largely better, an AMD5 7640HS with RTX3050 in Ultra settings. No matter which setting I choose in this scenery, it does not get above the 10-11 FPS with rotorcrafts.
We are making excellent progress on the on-demand dynamic rocket launches! The launch physics is completed!! We have all the launch parameters in:
custom rocket launch sound
engine fire sequence
thrust buildup
azimuth roll
pitch maneuver
gravity turn
We are now working on the 3D materials for the launch effects (shown in the screenshot, SRB plume and SSME plume), and the next stage will be custom plume VFX.