Thanks, I’ll have a look at it shortly. I’m using a Velocity One flightstick which has a trim wheel at the top. Fairly sure I have no auto trim switched on.
I have previously mentioned that I fly military jets almost exclusively and I look for the best with graphic fidelity a high priority. I am loving this jet, but if Im going to nitpick about textures/graphics, can you please enhance the lighter gray areas on the sides/walls of the cockpit? They need sharpening. See the pic you posted above referencing the autotrim. The cockpit side/wall to the left is an example I am referring to. Thanks
With the Velocity One, there’s an option to change the trim wheel from analog to “button press”. I had issues with the analog setup so sticking with the button press for now.
Sorry that’s not an exact answer, not at home this week.
It could be upscaled to 8K, will take a look. It could also be enhanced using detail maps. Though I must say that in any “normal condition”, its texel density is adequate. You won’t normally get that close.
New from v1.0.2 update?
working on final details before distributing
Miltech Simulations M2K-C V1.0.2 is all cleared for release, and will be available shortly (distributors working on the release). V1.0.2 will also be the release version for PC and Xbox on MS Marketplace, later this month.
- ADDED: Weapon/Tank jettison is now supported
- ADDED: ILS Needles on main ADI
- ADDED: Cage Flags are now visible on both ADI
- ADDED: Blue DIRAV light is now lit to indicate NWS
- ADDED: Conditional to prevent spoiler/slat deployment or retraction after complete shutdown.
- ADDED: A and F lights now light up to indicate speedbrakes extension.
- FIXED: Several Flight Model/FBW Improvements. Sensitivity PIDs have been adjusted on the FBW system to linearize the inputs at low speeds, aircraft does not overreact to pitch up input when flying an approach. Resolved FBW issues with aircraft not holding attitude at speeds under 230 Knots. Approach and landing handling characteristics improved.
- FIXED: Mach Tuck modeling has been reviewed and improved, overmodeling of pitch down tendency has been compensated. Mach Tuck is still present and it is normal at speeds above 0.7 Mach, at which you will see a slight pitch down in level flight (increasing linearly with speed)
- FIXED: Readjusted CG on Z axis to fully neutralize the off-axis aileron roll.
- FIXED: Spoiler Clickspot on Throttle now functional
- FIXED: Euler rotation of chute handle has been linearized.
- FIXED: ALT AFF Default V/S Increased to 2500fpm
- FIXED: Oxygen Lever Indicator no longer displaying 0
- FIXED: Flickering on G Force and Speed Tape should be fully resolved now.
- FIXED: Nav Lights emissive texture stuck in “always on”, even when the lights have been turned off.
- FIXED: Adjustments to fuselage reflectiveness, some dirt layers migrated to the PBR Roughness layer for increased depth of textures.
- FIXED: Various discrepancies on tooltips resolved.
- FIXED: Default External Camera Distance position has reset to a slightly closer value.
- FIXED: Mirror Reflections in FS24 improved
- FIXED: Drag Chute logic has been reviewed. Chute will only deploy when aircraft is on the ground, gear is down, spoilers extended and chute lever in the release positon. Chute will only extend once per flight session, restart of the flight is required to use the chute again, emergency use only.
- FIXED: Selection/highlight outline removed from HUD, VTB and all other displays when using an Xbox controller.
FS24 Bug, pending Asobo to address:
- Exaggerated reflections on aircraft canopy in FS24, particularly when flying at low altitude. More info: MSFS 2020 airplanes - Windshield reflections anomaly - Aircraft - MSFS DevSupport