[RELEASED] Rara-Avis Sims Bulldog Autogyro

Hah weird if so! This was in 2022. It was really pulling some alien-like moves off!

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Nice. I dug up some of the terrible phone footage I took of it at Weston. It was so windy that day.


Yep pretty sure that is the exact same one! How funny :smiley:

I am very much enjoying the Bulldog Autogyro! I tried the mixture trick a few times and ended up making a few accidental power-off landings, which is very enjoyable to experiment with. No cows were harmed in the experiment. Congratulations @RaraAvisSims on another amazing aircraft!!


I’m a big fan of gyros and have some hours in them. I wonder if you can give me a small hint if this is close to be released in the marketplace.
And just in case do you guys have a Discord server?

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Hey Luis, No news from the Marketplace team. It was submitted on the 1st of May so nearly 5 weeks now :frowning:

Sorry no Discord, Yet…


Thanks, if you already submitted it and it was 5 weeks ago we should be close to a release now.
I’ll get it and hope to see another gyro for MSFS in the future!

Well gang I caved and paid a little more on Just Flight to fly this around. First of all, beautiful gyroplane. Great choice. The flying characteristics are definitely different; I was worried it would feel too nimble but the roll and yaw rate feels reasonable to me. The slow speed handling is very cool! Love putting this on the ground at like 10 knots. I wonder if takeoff roll should be so short, but I understand both takeoff and landing may be computed from stall speed in the sim and the speed of the rotor may not come in to play due to sim limitations. I can just imagine a good pre-rotator is installed. I do wish aerodynamic effects like bunting over was modeled somehow but without a fully custom flight model it’s probably not possible too. But if you fly in-envelope this feels great.


Thanks for giving a nice little review! Tractor gyroplanes will take off quicker than pusher gyros due to the extra wind hitting the rotor from the propeller giving more rotor rpm quicker.


Ahh that makes sense. Practically all of them I can see on youtube tend to be pusher. Wonder why that is? Cleaner airflow for the rotor?

Yes I think its partially to do with that plus, better forward vision and that It came the norm after Igor Bensen created an autogyro after WW2

Bensen Aircraft - Wikipedia

To make it simple it is by legacy, most are pushers because pushers went popular and of course they have a great view.
From a design point of view tractors are a bit better and safer than pushers. In a pusher you usually have the thrust above the CG and that makes it dangerous if the rotor gets unloaded because… well you die. That’s wht many pushers try to put the prop as low as possible and have those mosquito long struts for the wheels.
A tractor usually has the prop lower and closer to the CG so they are less likely to get into a spindle.

For those that fly fixed wings machines when a gyro stalls if you push the stick down you might get in big trouble, the rotor is spinning by the weight of the gyro and making the incidence angle lower can stop it, rotor stops you are 100% dead, no chance of recovery.

And I just got the Bulldog from the Marketplace, thank you Rara-Avis! I’m going to test it throughly in the next days.

I did some quick flights with the Bulldog, I’m very impressed!

I have however only one very important request for the dev: Can you please please please try to add sound for the rotor? Currently only the propeller has sound, so if I cut the engine in flight even with the rotor spinning I get complete silence, complete silence in a gyro means you are about 1 or 2 seconds from finding the afterlife.
If you can add sound to the rotor and mix it with the propeller the product would be a lot lot better.

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FS Realistic my friend. Go down and head to the afterlife with the soothing sound of the wind in your hair :slight_smile:

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Really enjoying this. 2 questions, how do you open the cowling, and my 80+ year old father likes to print out manuals for quick reference and learning, but page 6 doesnt print out, any suggestions?

Thanks :slight_smile: Yes the cowl opens by clicking on the top centre part, I’m not sure why the page wouldn’t print… I’ll try and get back to you.

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Thank you so much!

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Sorry to ask again but any chance of adding sound to the rotor?

I have an idea for a update and hopefully will work out how to add rotor sounds


Wonderful, thank you so much! I really like this gyro.

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