[Released] Wing42 Boeing 247D

Based on Jeremy’s video, this is the best 3D modeling and texturing I’ve seen in the sim. Beautifully well done. The aircraft seems to have a lot of character, too. Can’t wait to try it out.

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It’s great to enter the built-in market. Wait to enter the market.

Excuse me, is there a heading keeping device similar to ju52 in 247d? Autopilot dare not expect.

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Is the Orbx store a possibility eventually ?


There isn’t… But I can tell you that once your aircraft is trimmed, it’s VERY stable and maintains a heading pretty well on its own. You just need to make minor adjustments in case of wind, etc.

Without heading maintenance, WC on the tail of the go to aircraft may yaw.

If there is wind. :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue: :stuck_out_tongue:

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We are not. I was referring to those two:

Obviously I have no idea whether the colour palette is like the real deal since I have not seen the real deal or whether it is down to particular light conditions at the time when the screens were taken or maybe it is down to my not-so-perfect-anymore eyesight.

In any case I made an observation and not a judgmental declaration so no hard feelings here.

I am curious to experience it myself.

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I think people need to be cautious buying anything from Wing42. Their Bleriot XI that entered the marketplace had a problem with the Throttle when using an Xbox controller - I have no idea whether this was fixed, but it took far too long to rectify (if they ever did) and wasn’t initially recognised by Wing42, despite being quoted when the problem was raised.

As much as I would like this aircraft, you vote with your wallet when you’ve had a less than satisfactory experience. Maybe there won’t be any issues this time around, but a word of caution for anyone considering it.

To be perfectly honest I would not buy any aircraft from any developer for XBox until it has been out a while and you read reports of it from other Xbox users.

The issue is the developers cannot test their work on XBox they have to try and basically guess if it is working right and then send it to Microsoft to test and hope any issues are picked up by Microsoft.

The Bleriot XI on PC is excellent by the way. Hard to fly well but so was the original.


I play on PC and own the Bleriot. Lol.

The Bleriot is excellent…and the 247 looks like it will be outstanding while at a ridiculously low price point.

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The 247 isn’t really my speed but it certainly makes me hopeful for the Vega (which hopefully hasn’t been abandoned).

Isn’t it intentional that the Bleriot has no throttle control as the original aircraft didn’t? As far as I remember, the pilot has to cut to ignition or fuel intermittently (avoiding the motor coming to a complete stop) to reduce speed.


This is something that is documented with the aircraft I remember that specifically - the engine had to be intermittently cut.

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I have some great news - I just tested the newest build of the 247D and

  1. Legacy cockpit interaction mechanism now works!
  2. Sounds have been GREATLY improved and are no longer muted/too quiet. It sounds much much better now. Someone requested a night flight with a 247D and I am going to post it soon on my channel - it will showcase the new sounds.

So your objection to the Bleriot is that 1) the throttle doesn’t work the way it’s supposed to and 2) the throttle does work the way it’s supposed to?

Just want to make sure I’m following the line of argument.


What an odd thing to say. So you want a plane that looks like a real plane but then behaves absolutely nothing like the real thing? Did you try the Gnome powered variant? It actually has throttle and mixture control that does affect the power, albeit in a limited way, and is a lot easier to fly. The Anzani powered variants are very underpowered and the throttle control is basically there to start the engine up.


So essentially you are faulting Wing42 for making the Bleriot realistic?

Putting this as gently as I can: most of their customers will be buying their products because they want as realistic a representation of the actual aircraft as possible. So I guess in a way you’ve actually done them a favor with your rather strange complaint by highlighting how authentic their modeling is.

(It’s OK to just admit you weren’t aware how the real Bleriot was controlled instead of being silly like this, you know.)


:sweat_smile: back on topic of the 247D, @BostonJeremy77 I’m really looking forward to seeing your upcoming night flight. I hope you include a nighttime tour of the passenger cabin as well to show off all the great modeling and texture work. Will also be fun to see you demonstrate how stable the aircraft is when properly trimmed such that the pilot can leave the cockpit for a little stroll :innocent: Thank you!

This is coming tonight with the demonstration of the new engine sounds. :wink:


Three Dornier videos and another on the 247D? Nice job!

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