Reno Quick Race button on the Sim main menu

Right now its a chore to get into a Reno multiplayer race. First you need to first go to activities, then scroll all the way to the right and then click on Reno… after that you need to navigate the reno menu, select a class, etc, etc.

It should be a 1 click process on the main menu of the sim to get into a quick race with ANY plane class that has people in it.

If something like this isn’t done fast the Reno online races will probably die in a week.

It’s a shame because the team did put a lot of effort into this mode for it to die due to simple things like this.

Totally agree. Was rather disappointed to find the tab to access the marketplace removed initially but I thought maybe they changed the Marketplace tab to Reno which could have understood but nope. Just made the tabs less effective.

Payed content shouldn’t be hidden away and made hard to find. It should be one of the easier things to find. I get the menu tabs can be a bit crowded but I prefer a crowded tab bar and simple search personally. Maybe they could make it so you can chose the tabs pinned.

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Paid for the full Reno experience, I’m in a minority, never anyone to challenge!

It would be helpful if they had a counter on each class posted so you could tell if anyone was wanting to enter a multi race