Repaint Download Installation

I’m having a very basic problem. I can’t get repaints to show up in my flight sim after I’ve dropped them into my Community folder. Right now, I’m trying to get an Air France A320NEO repaint to come up. Any ideas? I’m sure it’s so simple I’ll feel stupid after finding out. But that’s a chance I’m willing to take

Good evening,

Which A320 are you using?

Asobo Default, Fenix, Etc…

Typically, yes you would just download, unzip if it is compressed and then drag it over to your Community Folder.

That being said, you need to make sure the Livery you downloaded is for the correct aircraft you have.

It is the Asobo A320, the filename is Asobo_A320_NEO_AIRFRANCE. Yes, I unzipped the file and dropped it into the Community folder. Please see screenshot

Open folder named Asobo_A320_NEO_AIRFRANCE
Maximize window
Take a screenshot and paste into topic.

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Can you also check in your UserCfg.opt file that, that is indeed the correct location for your Community folder?

C:\Users[your username]\AppData\Local\Packages\Microsoft.FlightSimulator_8wekyb3d8bbwe\LocalCache\UserCfg.opt

If you scroll to the bottom, you should see a pointer to your Community folder.

InstalledPackagesPath “C:\Users\SkypilotYTS\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft Flight Simulator\Packages”


This is what I have. Should I change the Path?

Try going to the path specified, is there a Community folder in there? if so, drop your livery in there and test.

Looks different to me.

My sim has been downloading necessary files for the last 2 days. As soon as it lets me, I’ll get into it and try to find the plane. In the meantime, I’m not sure if it’s a good idea or not, but I forced the add-on. I placed the texture file in the Adobe A320 folder, and I added the texture block in the aircraft.cfg file. If it doesn’t work, I’ll simply take them out.

No needed!

@GlobalFlier2021 You should be installing liveries and other add-ons for the user account “LIOND” but you are installing them for the user “Eric VanHunnik.” This is why the aircraft liveries are not working correctly :wink:

Thank you!!! Wow, that’s helpful. I really appreciate the troubleshooting. Of course, now I had to reset and re-install MSFS because of a wing-view add-on I got which rewrote my planes. So fun. I’m re-installing MSFS now, I’ll be sure to keep this post highlighted so I can get that rolling. Thanks again! I’ll keep you posted.


You’re very welcome :slight_smile:

Geez! I really wish that when you do a fresh install of the app, it wouldn’t have to go through every update again like it’s fresh out of the box. Why can’t XBox keep the sim up to date with the package installation?

One week since the reinstall, and it’s at 79.26GB out of 134.29GB to update before I can actually use the sim. So frustrating…

Well, that didn’t work. I have even tried to force it by placing it directly in the OneStore folder. But no luck. It still does not show up. Ironically, other liveries that I had installed previous to the re-install of MSFS are in there. Strange, and frustrating

Add-ons for MSFS Asobo aircraft downloaded from third-party websites ( should be installed into the Community folder. If a livery is not working while others are functioning properly you probably know what the issue might be…

Please include the download link for that livery.

HELP!!! It gets worse!!! OK, now I’m REALLY frustrated. Is there anywhere I can get Microsoft to fix my stuff? I just bought over 400 liveries on the Marketplace, so they SHOULD show up. But no. Nothing. Here are some screenshots:

Why is the “installedpackagespatch” line split into two lines?

How can the aircraft liveries be displayed if the screenshot shows you’re still in the process of downloading them? They won’t appear unless they’re installed.

Why are you purchasing liveries when they are available for free on and many other websites?

That was it!!! I guess I just had to threaten it with some help LOL. Thank you guys so much! Even things I didn’t know about that didn’t have anything to do with my current problem, now I know more than I did before. Thanks again! I consider this closed