Repeat bugs report ie: Auto Pilot and Pitch Trim and missing airports!

I have I have reported the following bugs repeatedly.

  1. The Cessna Caravan is almost uncontrollable when the AP is engaged after takeoff. After disengaging the AP the pitch trim is unstable. Heading is OK.

  2. The TBM950 will not engage the AP if the flight is started on the ramp and not on the runway.

  3. The following Alaska, U.S.A. airports are missing: PAWD - Seward; PAVD - Valdez; PAOR - Northway. PAOR is important because of the flight path between Fairbanks and Seattle.

  1. Are you sure you turned on the autopilot master switch when you start the aircraft? Above the copilot seat is the trim/ap master. Autopilot will not engage without it.

Something I missed. Thank you for the tip.

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