Replacing annoying interface?


The graphics used during flight may be very great, but is there anyway or does Microsoft have any plans to clean up all other things regarding menus and anything else except the flight graphics?

I have actually uninstalled the whole game because of this. I’ts not playable right now.

To clarify it’s not affecting any performance or makes it’s unplayable in that circumstance, it’s that all other grahics and menus are cluttering the whole inferface.

Would you please make it clearer exactly what your problem is that stops you playing?

I have issues with many things in the sim, but I still get enjoyment out of playing it.

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Why is it not flyable if you don’t like the menu??


Well it’s flyable in a technical way, but the menus and other graphics are so much annoying that I feel it’s not worth playing so I rather use another simulator.

And the way menus are designed are still cluttering the interface even when flying.

Huh! How can the menus be ‘cluttering the interface’ when flying?
Besides, I know it’s subjective but the menus are quite clean and modern!
You are talking about MSFS 2020 aren’t you?
Perhaps you are using a verrrrrry small monitor!


What menu is bothering you when you are flying, I have none.

I know it’s subjective because they are “too modern”.

I’s enough that other things are modern.

Please elaborate

Not really specific menu, all things how menus are designed.

I just think it’s too much grahical changes beside actual graphics.

I think that the menu graphics are too modern.

Maybe great on Xbox, but annoying on PC.

No, 4K.

But is possible just to turn off all menu sliding and animations?

Animations? What menus are annoying you. A few have asked , what menus do you have while flying? I get the menus when I press escape and they are fine. I also have the menus when I move my mouse to the top of the screen. ATC, Navmap etc. But they have hot keys anyway so if that’s the menu you don’t like don’t use it.

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Yes, please post a screenshot. Also you can reduce the scale of the ui font in the options which, personally I prefer.

Why do i feel this guys is trolling ? He claims to uninstall the whole sim, just coz of UI ?? seriously ? Or am i misunderstanding something ?


What in the god 's name ? Mate just enjoy the sim ! No one cares about main menu ui. There s nothing wrong with ui anyways except it being blurry low res (but that s a temporary bug). Back in xplane in 4k res, the text used to be v small to read but that never stopped anyone to fly it. Dubbing the sim unplayable just cause the UI doesn’t meet your standards of aesthetics ? Gimme a break.


DOS is dead.
Long live Windows UI.



You know you can disable the menu/hud while in flight right? Uninstalling and then ranting like this is a bit overkill lol

Ha! I, for one, did not.
So, go on, how?

I agree the general UI could definitely get an overhaul, it’s not particularly user friendly. It doesn’t stop me from flying, though; why are the menus a dealbreaker again?

If you really want user friendly, you can always go back to FS2002. I also remember Windows XP being very user friendly. Oh remember back when cars didn’t have ABS? Very intuitive braking back then. And none of that fancy XM radio/Bluetooth shenanigans either, I liked very simple cars back then. Oh remember back when cell phones were just cell phones and not smart phones? Dialling was SOOOO much more user friendly (seriously hope the sarcasm is bleeding through right now)

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I liked phones when you had to use the rotary dial thing. That was much better!

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