When looking at the FPS using the option Display FPS inside dev mode, I only get to see the RAW FPS, not the RTX 4XXX’s DLSS super speedy FPS… can there be an option to show either raw FPS and generated FPS ?
I like to see the generated FPS on my screen instead of raw… or perhaps there is a way/trick to show this in game already?
Attached screenshot showing both raw (in-game) FPS on the right and the detected (Xbox Game Var performance monitor) generated FPS on the left.
Hi there, FG (Frame Generation) inserts one ‘fake’ frame between each ‘real’ frame, no more no less. So in other words, it always doubles your FPS.
This means that if you double the FPS number shown in the Dev mode Display FPS, you get your actual (generated) framerate. i.e. in your screenshot: 60.9 x 2 = 121.8 FPS
I don’t know where the game bar is getting 185 FPS from, I don’t think that’s correct! I’d trust the Dev mode counter to get my ‘raw’ FPS and double it to get my ‘generated’ FPS.
EDIT: I just had an afterthought, I think game bar is displaying the FPS for your popped out PFD screen, not MSFS. That’s why the numbers you’re seeing don’t make sense!
If that’s the case, in the screenshot you’re getting 185 FPS in the popouts, 121.8 ‘generated’ FPS in MSFS, and 60.9 ‘raw’ FPS in MSFS.
I hope this helps
While we’re talking about frame gen, another thing that often confuses people about their FPS is that when they turn FG ON, they don’t get double what they had before. This is because DLSS3/FG needs GPU power to run, so three situations can occour:
Your GPU is at 100% getting 60 FPS, you turn FG on, your raw FPS drops to 50 (because of the increased load) which is then doubled to 100FPS. so your FPS ‘doubles’ by going from 60 to 100.
Your GPU is at 80% getting 60 FPS because you are CPU bottlenecked, you turn FG on, GPU usage goes up to 95% and your FPS is doubled to 120FPS
I know that, although not entirally correct, not just 1 frame, more, in my case 2, as there is a difference between DLSS 2 and DLSS 3, as well as DLSS 3 performance mode vs quyal;ity mode (and the ones in between) + Additional Frame Gen in settings on top off it, which you not have to turn on, but when putting all to DLSS super res (using dlss3) + performance selected + frame gen on, results always in my case 2.5-3x.
Anyways, I want to see the total FPS (that is raw+fake all combined) in-game without having to use the xbox game bar. No xbox game bar isn’t looking at the popup windows, I tested this by simply closing them
Anyways, still looking for a solution, not about the technical things, if xbox can show it, the game itself should be able to do it as well.
Sorry, I probably wasn’t clear with what I meant in my previous post. I mean that in the meantime you can just double the in-sim counter as a workaround to get your actual/generated FPS (I was giving the reasoning why)
DLSS3 is just DLSS2 with Frame Gen. If you use DLSS super res + performance mode, that will increase your ‘raw’ FPS as shown by the sim’s counter. If you then turn Frame Gen ON, it then doubles that ‘raw’ FPS. Frame Generation always doubles your ‘raw’ FPS.
I understand, I’d also like to be able to view a cut down FPS counter without having to enter Dev mode. Showing just actual/generated FPS and the limiting hardware factor.
However the game bar is definitely wrong because of the reason above, I wouldn’t recommend using it to monitor any games’ FPS. (It has a poor reputation for accuracy if you Bing/Google it)
Yeah, it would be nice and should be a really easy feature to add
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I wouldn’t expect it. The dev mode frame counter is showing you what the sim is rendering. The graphics card is then performing frame generation independently outside of the sim. At best they may be able to let you switch to an estimated generated fps, but then you’ll have people complaining it’s a fake number for the real frame rate that includes the… fake… frames.
You are confusing DLSS3 (I would call it dl frame generation as it has nothing to do with with super sampling) with DLSS2 and that’s not your fault but NVidias meaningless naming of the feature.
I am going to assume you are not using VSYNC as that complicates matters a bit more to explain.
When you turn on dlss 2, you increase the framerate of the game by reducing load on your GPU (GPU only if implemented correctly). This is done by rendering the game at a lower resolution and then upscaling that frame with help of AI and some other tricks. And here you have options of Quality, Balanced and Performance nodes which determines the original resolution to render the game at before applying upscaling. Upscaled result is always of the same resolution regardless of the DLSS mode. Keep in mind, with DLSS2, even if the framerate is increased, all of it is ‘real’ frames meaning they are generated by the game engine. So if your frame rate is bound by CPU performance, turning in dlss2 won’t increase your framerate at all.
DLSS frame generation (Or DLSS3 as most call it) doesn’t have any quality settings that I am aware of. It increases the frame rate by inserting an interpolated frame in between two engine generated frames, so if your game is CPU bound and your GPU have enough performance headroom left for DLSS fg calculations, it will exactly double your framerate that the game engine can generate, and if the GPU is already loaded, then also it can increagwse the output framerate, but that will possibly be less than double which you would have gotten without the frame gen option. And btw you can use DLSS grame generation without using DLSS2 (i do this frequently).
And now coming to the in-sim counter, it always shows the engine generated frame rate. So even if you use frame generation, you will see the engine generated framerate. So incase, if your GPU was already loaded 100% then you would have seen a framerate drop when you turn on dlss fg. And in any case, if you have dlss frame gen enabled, you always multiply the in sim fps counter with 2 to get the output framerate, not more, not less.
Do you use the Steam version of MSFS?
I just turn on the FPS counter in there. Takes up minimum space and just sits in the corner out of the way. That shows the final frames.