(RESOLVED) T flight hotas trustmaster no more recongnize till the last update

i wanted to say a big thx to microsoft asobo for making disapear my joystick !! my flight hotas is no more activated in the game !!! ,so i can t do ANYTHING!!!,it was working just before i update the game to the version ,so ?? whay now ? what do i do ?? tell me …thx

Same here, only keyboard and mouse available in controls settings. What happened Asobo?

I think controller profiles are saved in the cloud. Are you successfully logged on in the same XBox profile you normally are?

Gonna check now… was fine a couple of day ago. Besides, even if bindings were lost for some reason, it should show the connected controllers anyway.

Edit. Yep, same xbox account as before.

Is it detected in Windows joystick settings?

Yes, all is looking good in windows. Let’s if WMR is the trouble maker here and launch game without it.

Edit. It wasn’t :frowning:

My Thrustmaster 16000 joystick disappeared too…till I unplugged it and plugged it back in again + restarted MSFS.

My T.Flight is working well as before the update.

After my HOTAS 4 is still here.

Same here with Logitech G940. Can setup joystick in option menu but during gameplay yoke jitters, not useable anymore. 1.12.13 is a disaster…G940 worked great before.

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