Reverb G2 Cockpit is moving (woobling)


VR mode is better than i expected.
But i have a Problem with the Headmoving…
If i move my head the Cockpit is moving a bit with my headmoving. It wobbles.
With my Vive Pro the movement is fine.

Any Tipps? :slight_smile:

Sadly no idea as mine doesnt do that sorry mate.

U have a g2 too?

Have you changed OXR resolution scale?

Latest version introduces distortion below ~60%

I don’t have that issue either. I have a G2 with a 3080. The times I have seen “wobbling” have been when my room had the sun coming right in (too bright) leading to headset tracking issues. Closing my curtains resolved the problem immediately.

Yep sure do and having no issues like you describe.

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