Rio de Janeiro Airport area - Texture Problem

`do you have the same problem in low altitude 3000 ?
I have GeForce RTX 3070 Gaming OC 8G Graphics Card. The rest of the specifications of the simulator requirements are exactly what are needed.

What area is this?
Does it only happen there or everywhere?

Are all Data options ON in settings? (Bing World Data, Photogrammetry, etc.)?

this is Rio de Janeiro Airport area.
but this problem are almost happening everywhere in low-altitude!
and even in some places you can see a bump like it Small mountains from distance but when you reach closure they are going to disappear! this is another kind of texture problem.
2 of the Data options was off and I turned it on. if there is some option that’s supposed to be off please let me know thank you. :pray:
I flew in that area and this is the screenshot. it seems that problem solved.

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Do other areas now work too?

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in some places you can see a bump like it Small mountains from distance but when you reach closure they are going to disappear! this is another kind of texture problem. Here is New York and this problem still there!


On the “bumps” or “spikes”, this is a known issue and the developers are working on it.

I want to mention about the ON setting for Data. At times, this will shut off on it own when your internet goes down or it’s intermittent. It does this so that you can continue to fly,

I always check this setting after this happens to me and I also check it on updates to MSFS and Graphic Drivers.

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Texture loading issues in South America has been a problem since I started using the game in Sept.

Seems getting MSFS to think you are offline happens a lot more frequently there than any other place I have flown.

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