Rolling cache - best value

Hey guys, what is the best value for rolling cache?

Good question. Personally, what I do is see how much data I’m using and set it just above that. So per month, it’s around 100GB, so I have it set to 110GB.


I turned it off…


What is the difference, on and OFF ?

I do not think there is one right answer for this. If you frequently fly in the same area and your internet connection is iffy, having the rolling cache turned on and set for a size sufficient to cover your frequently flown area would (should? could?) be beneficial. But how big “sufficient” is for a given area that you fly in I have no idea. I assume it would also depend on your resolution and quality settings. I would be stunned if the ideal rolling cache for someone using all Ultra and big LOD settings at 4K would not be dramatically bigger than someone using HD @ low quality and low LOD.

At the other extreme: if, like me, you tend to fly in different places all the time plus you have a blazingly fast internet connection, I do not think there is any point in using it at all. So I have mine set off.


I find that the quality of PG is better with rolling cache on, especially if returning to a place that has been previously cached. Performance-wise, not too different I don’t think. Less stuttering with PG on, though. I used to have it OFF, but have reverted to having it ON now.


I’m pretty sure that data usage stat is for everything, including the data used for downloading content updates… Not just streaming world data.

I’m lucky; I had a spare HD lying around gathering dust and I turned it over to the rolling cache. It’s 500 GB of which 460 is usable, so that’s what I’ve set it at, and the sim runs as slick as snot.

Too big? Maybe, but I’ve got the space so why not? And it works. The only downside is rebuilding it at update time, but I’ll live with that.

After much testing a 4GB ram cache seems to be perfect for either a 16 or 32GB system. More adds nothing, it only reduces resources available for your other apps (video rendering etc.)


Rolling cache works very well and I miss having it, however, I no longer use it due to the fact that I prefer to look after my SSD. It can also be a pain to have to delete every time there is an update and when using Google servers rather than MS.

So you recommend to put ON or OFF ? If is ON what is the best size? I have 2 SSD 1TB

there is no best size , i say.

MSFS defaulted mine to 8GB. I changed it to 10GB because that’s 2 better.


Same here… i made an 8 GB Ramdisk (64Gb in total) and put the rollingcache.ccc there. I also mirrored this file with a pendant on my flightsim installation drive, so when i reboot my system (or the RAM loses its content otherwise), it i will sync the content of this drive to the ramdisk folder.

With this method there is not even a need to rebuild the cache after reboot.

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I have very good internet and my sim works better with it off!

Should I have turned ON, with a fast internet connection?

Well, i’ve got a 1Gb connection, and I still have it turned on. Photogramatry looks better with it on, hands down. But, it’s up to you.


I have 1 Gbps as well.
I’ll turn it ON, thank you

The internet has finite bandwidth as do the MS servers. Using the rolling cache lessens the amount of bandwidth each instance of MSFS uses, thus there is more of it to go around. Turning the RC off means that there is less bandwidth available for EVERYONE, if enough people do it then maybe everyone starts getting online data issues even more so than they do currently…

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If this would be a serious issue, MS would not make the rolling cache optional but force every user to have it active but only capable of adjusting the size. So I doubt that you will ever run into issues with RC off as long as your inet connection has the needed bandwith…