Rolling Cache & Manual Cache

I mapped London and Paris in high detail for my manual cache thinking that would get rid of the apocalyptical buildings but it doesn’t seem to have improved things at all. Buildings still appear to be bombed out shells until i get quite close to them. Then the correct texture loads in. This is with an RTX 3090, 64GB RAM and a 5600x CPU. What exactly is the point of these caches?

The cache doesn’t store photogrammetry. It holds the photo tile underneath, the PG is still streamed. I agree that being able to cache the PG data would offer a much better experience, but the current sim doesn’t do it.


Well, I’ve disabled photogrammetry and in my opinion it’s an improvement. I’ll take autogen buildings in cities rather than cities that resemble WW2 Dresden. Still have the landmarks in Paris :slight_smile:


Oh I didn’t know that! I thought it also pulled all the PG. I’ve never used the manual cache but thanks for the info :slight_smile:

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