Comparing the 4090 to anything is pointless. No one is denying it’s the king of graphics cards right now, but it also fetches a king’s fortune. The cheapest you can expect is around $1600 if you’re lucky. Current prices start at $1800. You may be willing to spend an extra $600-800 or more over the 7900xtx, but most people aren’t. It’s not about which is best, but what’s the better value when you have limited financial resources.
And while you may find use for a 4080, you can’t justify the extra price over the 7900xtx when it offers nothing of interest to many consumers. To assume the 4080 “excels in every way” is just as much Nvidia propaganda as is claiming the 7900xtx is best simply because of VRAM for AMD.
I bought an open box 7900XTX from Micro Center for $900 over a more expensive 4080 (several hundred dollars more) and a 4090 (almost a thousand dollars more). Neither of those Nvidia cards can provide any additional pertinent functionality or a better HD picture than what I have with the 7900XTX.
Hello everyone! It’s been almost a year since this post and I’m in the same doubt, my idea is to upgrade my 6800XT and be ready for MSFS2024 (wait for RX8000 and RTX5000 is not an option).
I’m almost decided to go for the 7900XTX over the 4080 but I would like to hear how has been your experience all this time, performance.
Mostly I’m interested to know how many stutters you’ve had on heavy scenery (JKF, LAX, etc), heavy airports (inibuilds, BM and AmSim, etc), heavy aircraft (Fenix, iniA300, FSS Embraer, etc).
Stutters are typically caused by being limited by mainthread (CPU). However, when running out of vram on the gpu the data will be cached on the hard drive/ssd/Nvme which is much slower and will cause stutters also. This is why many recommend to get a gpu with the most vram you can afford - minimum of 16Gig for MSFS 2020.
MS/Asobo have published a document with the recommended vram for MSFS 2024 but of course no one knows yet how that will really fare.
All I know is that with my 7900xtx I’ve hit upward of 22Gig out of 24Gig total vram with the sim with complex scenery/airports. I’m still very happy after 1yr+ with its performance.
I have a 7900 XTX and love it for 4K rendering – however it won’t help you with stutters, because stutters are caused by the main thread stalling on scenery loading and such forth.