RTX3090 and MFS2020

Hi all,

I have RTX3090 installed in my machine. And I only got 20fps in 747 cockpit with default ultra settings. It’s weird. Before RTX3090, I used 2080super and got about 35fps with same settings.

Here’s a screen shot from MFS2020 in Flightbeam KDEN

My current specs:
CPU:i9-9900k RAM:32GB
SSD 1T for MFS2020 ONLY

How to fix it?

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Did you reenable XMP ram overclocking, as well as do a proper GPU driver removal and installation w/ DDU (or a clean windows reinstall) and other best practice stuff? Is your 3090 running significantly hotter, resulting in your CPU thermal throttling/having less boost/auto-overclock headroom? It’s really hard to say.

Also idk if it’s just me but your image is too blurry to read any of the numbers or stats on screen.

@fena5357, judging by the resolution listed in the screenshot next to “Game”, it looks like Render Scaling is set to 200% in your graphics settings. I would start by setting it at 100%, and then troubleshoot other areas.


It might be 200%. I will check it later. If so, I would change it to 100% and see if it works.

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Your bang on man the money. That post is twice the resolution. So basically “5k”

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so I should set 100% for render scaling.

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How’s it connected to the PSU? 1 cable split? Or 2 independent cables into the adaptor? And what wattage is the PSU?
Also a clean install of drivers as mentioned above is best practice.

Your monitor is 2k . So yes render scale to 100 everything else to ultra

I also have a 3090, but my resolution is 2k ultra wide (3440 x 1440) and I have 25 fps on JFK iwth everythi g on ultra, and 35 with everything in low, no internet services… 3090 gives 25 fps…

Keep in mind that your cpu is likely your bottleneck here. I have a 3080 and it’s basically sitting around doing nothing while in cockpit view because my cpu can’t feed it fast enough (2700x) as it’s main thread bottleneck Ed. Check your cpu usage.

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Major FPS drop after Patch 5 - Limited by RdrThread - Fix Identified - Turn off MFAA in NVIDIA - Self-Service / Bugs & Issues - Microsoft Flight Simulator Forums

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9900k should give you decent frames at 2K…I have ultra high setting mixed with a 6700kcand 1080Ti and get 35 fps on the tarmac. Like some said start with base settings ultra with 100 scaling. Lower antialiasing since you’re at 2k resolution and move on from there. Your set up should give you at least 40 fps on the ground and 35 cockpit 60 exterior in flight. Also whenever people tell you to reinstall windows don’t. It is an absolute waste of time and should only be considered if somehow your windows got corrupted. Give us an update… if not upgrade to a ryzen 5000 series. Flight sim seems to love those. If only they existed in real life​:sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile::sweat_smile:

I got a 3080 and searched the Sweet Spot for Render Scaling. I had better FPS usimg 150,then 100. Enable the FPS screen in DEV mode and try to adjust it until you got the best results.

Hi all,

I have fixed the low fps in MFS2020. Thank you all for suggestions.
I turned off FXAA and MFAA in Nvidia control panel. Also set render scale to 100%. Now I could get about 40 fps cockpit and external with default ultra settings in Flightbeam KDEN with 747-8.
And here’s another problem. Dev. mode showed that “limited by mainthread”.


Good to hear you’ve got your settings sorted out, enjoy the skies!

‘Limited by main thread’ just means your FPS are limited by your CPU at that specific scenario. Often happens in heavy photogrammetry areas and/or large/complex custom airports (with normally lots of other (AI) planes around. Those take a toll on your CPU (single threaded) performance.

That’s not a ‘problem’ per se, just the way the sim handles complex areas.


You are always going to be limited by either your GPU or CPU at some point. I wonder what infinite FPS would look like.

check this: Major FPS drop after Patch 5 - Limited by RdrThread - Fix Identified - Turn off MFAA in NVIDIA

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I feel your pain (and confusion) I too upgraded to a 3090 and was expecting a little bit “more” than it delivers in MSFS2020.

It absolutely rips through everything else I throw at it but I think CPU + optimization of code + the live streamed nature of MSFS2020 combine to make it less about the GPU.

The 3090 does make VR very pleasant in IL-2 and possible in MSFS2020 and I don’t think it really even starts to stretch its legs until you throw 4k+ at it. (Hence VR being ok now) so it’s worth playing around with render scaling because you might find a sweet spot somewhere a bit higher than 100% where you don’t suffer as much real performance loss as you might expect.

I don’t know how to turn off MFAA in Nvidia Control Panel. I only have FXAA and that’s already turned off.

In the latest devs Q&A session last week, the devs talked of many rewrites and code optimisation which are coming throughout the rest of this year which should make a notable difference to the current CPU bottlenecks, and as those arrive, I would expect to see your 3090 deliver much better than it is at present. Prior to these optimisations, the sim is still limited by some of the legacy architecture of FSX, which was always dependent on one CPU core to do a lot of the work. The optimisations are moving more and more of the code away from a single core.