Rudder pdeals for flying the A320?

Can someone recommend good, well made rudder pedals (not cheap plastic ■■■■), that I can actually buy, for flying the A320? I’ve been using the thrust control paddle and twist axis on my T16000 hotas (same hardware as the new airbus stick) and it keeps breaking. I’ve had the throttle replaced once by Thrustmaster and repaired the stick myself twice now. I’m sick of it. I don’t really want rudder pedals due to space issues but I need something that can steer this plane when I land or takeoff and that won’t fail every few weeks.

I use this type since more than a year without poblems

VKB-Sim T-Rudder Pedals Mk.IV

Have been very happy with the Thrustmaster TPR pedals. Heavy duty, well made, no side to side motion (strictly forward and aft). Good toe brakes and adjustable springs. Have also heard good things about PFC pedals, but they are a little pricey for me.

I can’t really see how those work. Do you push the round bar up and down?

Look at VIRPIL controls. I have linked in a video review of them, all metal, tough. These are the ones I’m buying in March when order the Yoke from HC.

(82) VIRPIL ACE Rudder Pedal Review! - YouTube

MFG the best!

yes eg push down right bar with toes and left bar will go up and vice versa.
so there is just rudder … no brake function
but very robust and simple ( without having to assemble a lot of parts )