Runway, Approach, Apron Lights Off During VFR Conditions/Daylight Hours

Moderator Note:
This is a combined topic from @BlitheFob1 and @ThankyouMarlin8, who each contributed complementary ideas. Thank you, both!

From @ThankyouMarlin8:

Can you have a user setting to have the runway approach lights (REIL and ALS’) be only turned on from -XXmin before sunset to +XXmin after sunrise or during period of IMC weather ( < 3 miles visibility or clouds below 1000ft AGL)?
It seems right now that REIL/ALS are turned on during daylight hours?

Check out this video below for what I am referring to.


From @BlitheFob1:

I think the title says it all. I’m guessing they kept the lights in order to make things easier for beginners? My local airports / the ones I have been to around the world don’t seem to have their lights blaring with clear skies?