Ryzen 5 1600af + Radeon 5500xt combo

I was wondering if the Ryzen 5 1600af & Radeon 5500xt were underpowered to really do anything on this game being I’m relatively new to the PC gaming community

Should be able to fly just fine on the lower resolutions and detail levels.
The CPU is starting to show its age though, so don’t expect too much.

Thanks Mort that actually helps me alot

All about research…

Find your Card and compare.

minimum spec is a ryzen 3 1200, so you’re pretty close to the minimum :slight_smile: GPU is pretty much medium spec.

Minimum, Recommended, and Ideal PC Specifications for Microsoft Flight Simulator – Microsoft Flight Simulator Support (zendesk.com)

The CPU will bottleneck some scenarios regardless of graphics settings. I recently upgraded from a overclocked Ryzen 1700 (3.75 GHz) to a 5800X and gained almost 100% framerate in CPU-limited cases such as the A320 with extremely low graphics settings. Whereas the 1700 could do about 31 fps the 5800X could manage about 61. The difference was smaller in the Cessna 152 at something like 20%.