Saitek throttle quadrant throttle problem

I bought the Saitek Flight yoke system.
I wanted to try it but I have an issue with my throttle quadrant.
When I try to push the throttle the plane starts making a reverse thrust.

Thanks in advance

Go into the settings and check the “Reverse Axis” checkbox for “Throttle Axis” setting.

Moved to Self-Service, peripherals

What do you mean?
Go to the reverse axis and now…

There are some YouTube videos that will show you how to map various controller settings.

In the control set up menu there are several options when mapping functions.

One of those is a check box by the axis which will reverse the input - therefore making the sim see 100% when your throttle is physically at 0% (and 0% when your throttle is at 100% etc)

There are also a couple different binding options.
One of these is a regular 1:1 relationship between the hardware throttle and the simulated throttle (10% of physical throttle is 10% of sim throttle etc)
Another one actually allows for more complex set up where physical throttle at 0%>50% is actually in the reverse throttle range in sim and 50%>100% translates to 0%>100% in the sim
(Beta and Alpha range respectively)

I can’t remember how each one is named, am away from PC right now but if you play around with the options you will see their effect in the aircraft.
(Note. It’s best to check in an aircraft as you always see the full range of travel represented in the test bar in the config menu and might think it looks fine.

I figured something out.
The sim thinks that when my throttle is at 25% that it’s 0%.
That’s why it’s in reverse thrust when I put my throttle to 0.
Do you know how to fix that?

In the controller config menu there are 2 columns where you can map things into.

Left column is universally fine with everything.

But the right column…

This seems to work fine (and as expected) with buttons/switches but it does result in a strange input inhibit behaviour when an axis is mapped into that right column.

I’ve noticed that if I map an axis to the right column, save, exit the menu and enter the menu again that the axis I mapped to the right has created a duplicate mapping in the left also (both left and right columns have the axis mapped)
If this is the case then the axis will do odd stuff in game.

Physical axis 0>25% = inhibit?/reverse?
Physical axis 25-75% = 0>100% sim axis?
Physical axis 75-100% = inhibit?

For now I only mapped the left one for the throttle axis

On a related throttle issue, yesterday my throttle stopped working only while on the ground (Saitek X56). Works fine if I start the flight airborne, but as soon as I land the throttles go to zero and do not respond to the controller. Even using the mouse to move the cockpit levers does not increase engine rpm. Throttles had been working fine up until this point.

I have the exact sam problem, physical throttle at 0%>50% is in the reverse throttle range in sim and 50%>100% translates to 0%>100% in the sim
Also when I’m moving the physical joystick 50%, it is 100% in sim
What I have to do? I would appreciate any help.

I have been out of the sim for a few months so I’m a little out of the loop but as I remember there were (at least 2) different options to map the throttle axes.

Check which one you are on and map the axis to the other.

*There have been some changes to how reverse thrust works in my absence. It used to require a key/button map to activate but actually implemented on the axis could be an improvement if there is a possibility of adjusting where that transition takes place in your own physical axis range. (Setting physical +25% to virtual 0% would be better than having it at 50% for example.

I’m waiting to see what SU8 fixes (or breaks) before I take another look. Perhaps a current pilot will know more?