Save / Load a Flight (including Flight Plan) - MSFS Flight Planner functionality

Some flights simply cannot be completed in one go - doorbell rings, kid cries, the dog needs a walk - whatever. When returning to a “saved” flight (meaning: the one running when the game was exited), it would be good if the plane, nav info, AP, fuel, time, weather, weight, etc. could be retained/suspended to the same state when the save is loaded. As it stands now, everything is “reset” - the only thing that appears to be retained is the last position of the plane. There would be limits to what could be kept “in suspension” (weather, time of day, etc.), but the aircraft itself should be kept in the same state it was saved as.

Add-on 12/23/222

I’ve been contacted by user @TristeCiel to add their votes to this list. I’m not sure how that works exactly, but we have similar posts that seem to be splitting the vote somewhat.

Moderators: I think these topics are reasonably close where they could be combined.

Here is the original post from @TristeCiel

Tl;Dr : Have a full save and load feature.

(For de moderator, can you please not merge with other threads if possible, the save and load feature is often confuse with the flight plan, the toolbar, etc.)

MSFS 2020 is wonderful. It’s really a dream for many of us to have a sim that look so good and that is doing is best to reproduce the experience of flying. I was so pleasantly surprised and excited when I learned that Microsoft was going to do it again.

I feel I should talk about one of my main issues with the sim : the inability to save and load anywhere in the world. That would also include the fuel & weight state and having access to the full option in the toolbar (ability to set time and live weather).

For now, when we save we lose the ability to access the toolbar and modify the time and the weather (either live or other). Some user report different combination of this issue, but most agree that this is somewhat kind of disappointing.

I really think that simulation is synonymous of recreating real life, meaning to go into details while caring about immersion and sounds. Following the same mindset, the fact that we cannot fly and land to then continue where we have is an important missing feature for many of us.

Starting back to where I left my plane, cold dark in the same state I left it, was really what I enjoyed in FSX (although with planes that supported that). I was really disappointed that I could not do that anymore. After hours of reading the forums and trying to find a solution, I hoped that after each update that will be fixed.

Now, we have more and more planes that have the option to start cold and dark, that have persistent state (switches, buttons, fuel, carry weight, etc.) Some new bush planes also have camping equipments (Freedom Fox, Wilga). How cool would it be to fly to anywhere then land, place our camping stuff, save and quit the sim to come back just where we left! That’s a virtual bush flying dream!

I think we are at a good place like never and after your continuous effort to address big bugs, improve performances and add more contents, maybe you could look at polishing the save option.

It’s all about the sense of freedom. The ability to feel like a real pilot and go land everywhere, either on a Jet or in a bush plane, then continue where we left to pursue our adventures.

Please Asobo, could it be possible to look at this?

Thank you so much, be safe.

Sorry for my Frenchglish.


TBH, I think this save/load issue would be very nice to have, and think it was wise for the devs to rightly focus on areas that improved the stability and performance of the sim in the months post-launch.