Saving cockpit view

This game is mostly a copy and paste of many things from FS2020. Most people seem to be happy with the way the sim is or was even though the views were horrible for flying. Either too high or way too low only a few planes were good. Must have been programmed by different people and there never was a quality check. I posted this many times over the past years and this issue never got solved. My solution was editing the cameras.cfg files. Then Microsoft & Asobo patched the game and “BANG” everything overwritten and back to default. Re-editing 30 + planes was a day’s work. The only permanent safe solution was a copy of every plane in the community folder where patches couldn’t hurt them.
Make sure to stay in one view mode. In General/Camera I use wide angle.
Since FSX there is no “look straight ahead” key binding only reset cockpit view and that is more of a reset than a recenter. We need that key asap.

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